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Friday, May 3, 2024

Deflating Angst

This was on the radio in 1971. Five minute run-time but you can stop after three. The intro is excessively long but nothing is perfect. You can always launch it and move on to other tabs, letting it play in the background.

Unlike some of the music from that time, it aged very, very well.

I was particularly taken with the line "Don't compare yourself to others. You will become either vain or bitter." Good-gravy!...social media's corrosive effects captured in two, short sentences.


  1. I remember this from teenage years. Just read wiki regarding Mr. Crane. Says he was married to Tina Louise of Gilligan's Island fame, divorced her, and later had a wife named Ginger. Wonder if true?
    Wiki makes me think of him as an Ernie Kovacs sort.

  2. Oh man, those background lyrics. An age gone.

    Envy has been here since the beginning - "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:5)


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