Where the stories start...

Thursday, May 16, 2024

A higher calling

Sometimes a person's highest calling is to provide a lap where a tiny girl can curl up and feel miserable.

Quicksilver was struggling today. By 9:00 AM it was clear that it was an issue that needed to be escalated. Mrs ERJ took her to the local Doc-in-a-Box whilst I batted about the countryside getting the "I's and T's" of necessary-paperwork dotted-and-crossed. "The pink-stuff" was prescribed and Quicksilver received two doses before she was shipped back to the mother(and father)-ship.

So I was either sitting in the Silverado getting 17.4 mpg or sitting in the recliner providing a warm, soft nesting place for our darling Quicksilver.

The ice-cream machine might not have a post for tomorrow morning.

Priorities, priorities, priorities!


  1. No Fee Ice Cream??!?!

    I want my money back.

    Gotta keep the priorities straight. Family/friends/obligations come first.

    Blogging is WAY down that list.

  2. Highest calling is to be a safe place for loved ones, or a most dangerous place for others.

  3. Being that comforting lap is much more important.


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