Where the stories start...

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

That and this

Primers for reloading

Many different brands and "sizes" are available. That might not be the case after the election. Pack your own parachute.

Physical work

I went to the property I have been asked to manage and put in 4.5 hours pounding in fence posts, mowing grass, spraying herbicide.

I set the alarm on my phone to go off in an hour. I take a five minute break, drink some water and eat a snack if I am hungry. Physically, I could have gone longer but the wind picked up (15mph steady) and my next set of tasks involved herbicide, so I will hit it again tomorrow.

It is projected to be just as windy but I will be as fresh as a daisy and will be better able to attend to all of the little details.

The value of medicine?

Is the value of medicine its cost at the local pharmacy or is the value of medicine what it might cost if it were unavaiable?

One of my family members had porch pirates steal a package from between her storm-door and her main closure. The package was small. It contained pills.

So if it were valued based on the typical transaction price, it would be a misdemeanor.

If it were valued based on possible consequences the "value" would be much, much higher. She had a coronary event when she was 39 and suffers from migraine headaches and her firm can bill $150 per hour when she can see clients.  (No, not Mrs ERJ)

The "yutes" walked off with pharmaceuticals that might have been valued at $60 but in a worst-case scenario could have resulted in my family-member having a heart-attack or stroke or being incapacitated by headaches (and snarling up the scheduling at work).

I propose that any porch-pirating event that involves prescription drugs be considered a felony regardless of its nominal, retail value.

It seems a near-certainty that we will have another "pandemic shutdown" some time in the future. It seems equally certain that many people who rely on prescription drugs will respond by ordering on-line and having them delivered. Stevie Wonder can see that the growth will be explosive...and so will the rates of theft.

And as long as I am dreaming, why don't we write the laws so anybody over the age of 15 will be charged as an adult? Can you imagine the horror of watching your child die for want of an epi-pen...a device you KNOW they pitched into the trash as soon as they realized it had no street value?


  1. Which is why a high trust society cannot abide by this.

  2. If being a Porch Pirate becomes a felony does that mean that you can shoot them? That would be a good plan. ---ken

  3. In the event that we have a societal break, spicy times, justice could well revert to medieval standards. Events such as you have described could result in flogging, executions of a various nature or expulsion from the community for the family of the perps. Our forgiving justice system will be a thing of the past.
    On another note, the Cove needs bees. While that area has wild bees, they need pollinators. Bees can also be used as protective agents.

    Ole Grump.

    1. My food plants are much more productive when I grow lots of "ornamental" flowers. Many more pollinators are attracted, not just bees, and thus more plants set fruit. I'm toying with the idea of making bee houses so wild bees can live on-site. Might be something they could try in the Cove. Could dovetail with your idea of insect security teams, how would you make that work?

      The death penalty will be greatly, if informally, expanded when the hard times come. Crimes deemed frivolous in the nowadays fat times will be a matter of life and death when the economic margin is meager; such crimes will be dealt with accordingly. Methods will be far more economical of time and materials than those in current vogue.

    2. Placing hives on lines of approach then either shooting through the hive or rigging a collapsible support. Africanized bees remain agitated for several hours and will attack movement as much as one hundred yard away from the hive if the hive is breached. Numerous persons in southern Arizona have been hospitalized due to bee attacks.
      Ole Grump.

  4. One strike and yer out. Flogging or other hard punishment. Second time mandatory prison time.

    Third time, well, the crows havta eat too.

  5. Even now, the availability of primers is uneven. For example, none of my usual sources have large rifle available at the moment.
    I'm hearing more and more about ammo prices going up as well - IF they are available later, prices will be higher.

  6. In a truly just world it would be 100% legal to shoot porch pirates on sight. But then it should be legal to shoot car thieves and burglars on sight.

  7. Heads on poles might slow down piracy.

  8. Porch piracy over $40 value here in FL is a 3rd degree felony now.

  9. Heard ya the first time.

    (It's been said to get in touch with your inner child. Well, I just did.)


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