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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Fine Art Tuesday


Charles Spencelayh born 1865 in Kent, England. Died in 1958.

In his later years he concentrated on pictures that captured the humor, pain, diminishing eyesight and other facts of aging. Who has not endured the humiliation of not being able to read the printing on the label of a medicine bottle?

He has an enormous "catalog".

Not all of his pictures were of old men

Needs longer arms

The first thing I noticed was the empty chair and the picture and table-clothes that needed to be straightened.

Dang it! Where are my cheaters and why is the lighting so dim?

20% alcohol. Maybe it won't fix my problem but maybe I don't care

Apprentice at a cobbler's shop. I guess him to be between 12 and 14 years-old.

Folks pay extra to buy pants like this lad's.

Painted in 1914

Maybe a life-long bachelor?


  1. The last two paintings at the bottom to me point to a lifelong bachelor. No sign of any worry that spouse will come along and nag about the condition of the home space. No - he seems quite content.

    1. Last pic has too much bric-a-brac for a bachelor....live plant in the silly!

  2. I'm thinking last one is a married farmer. Lots of knicknacks in there, and the haircut is current.

  3. Great pictures, and yet another artist I did not know about. Thanks, ERJ.

  4. Great pictures. I can relate to the fourth picture. Tears in my eyes.

  5. Next to last: Sam Elliott, time traveler.

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