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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Did Trump supporters die of Covid in disproportionately higher numbers than Liberals?

I had my twice-a-year coffee date with Ken. Ken identifies as neither conservative or liberal but as an American.

Since he knew I liked to dink around with numbers and with data, he asked if I had any insight into the contention on the Left that Covid was more lethal in the counties that voted for Trump.

It was the first I had heard of it. I told Ken that I don't have opinions but like to look at the data and interpret the data.

"Fair enough" he said.

We agreed that in Michigan, Liberals are more likely to be found in higher percentages in more urban areas and in lower percentages in rural areas. That does not necessarily hold true in all parts of the country. For instance, the Mississippi Delta is very blue and very rural.

One difficulty that immediately suggested itself is that urban areas also tend to have a younger demographic. Young people perceive cities as "cool" and to have more employment opportunities. Rural areas tend be somewhat richer in mature citizens. So any analysis would have to wash out the effect of demographics, especially age.

With no further ado:

In round numbers, every additional 10 years of age tends to increase the death-rate per 100,000 by a factor of three. That is not too different than the factor of 2.5 for Influenza and Pneumonia.

The same data but shown on a log-scale. Large Central Metro areas had the highest mortality rate across the board. The straightness of the lines suggests that the ratio between age-buckets is close to constant.

Using age-adjusted data and degree of urbanization (2013 data) as a proxy for right/left leaning, it is impossible to reach the conclusion that "People who voted for Trump" died of Covid in disproportionately higher numbers.

All data supplied by the CDC.

Liars figure but figures don't lie.


  1. Figures lie when the data is massaged to get the right answer.. Weather station data from urban sites is mostly garbage but Muh Glooobel Warmening!!!

    1. Ding ding ding ding!!!!
      The scam perpetuates because the falsified data is never refuted!!! Like when a liberal lies (jan 6 was an insurrection), and then builds other lies on top of the original (orange jesus started it!) If we stood up and stopped the show trials, we wouldn't be where we are today, but I digress...

      Foundation made of sand.

      I get the argument that 'if it is useful to refute their claim, why not use it', but that misses the point - you're fighting each others potekim village?

  2. Testing "positive" for the China Wuhan Virus is the most meaningless metric including "CO2"
    All the data is spoiled and almost useless

    1. Whether the data is garbage or not, the data that Liberals are most likely to accept as "good data" not only does not support their claim, it refutes it.

    2. QAnon, etc are the ones with good data. LOL

      I am hear to tell you changing your mind based on the data is a a liberal thing. As Bill Clinton said, conservatives he dealt with were smart people but kept their convictions even when the data proved them wrong. He was out of office at the time and he said it still blew his mind.

    3. Bill Clinton and several different blows come to mind

  3. Interesting. Looks like small towns were the place to be. Too far out and you can't get to medical care in time.

  4. I'm not surprised; big cities seem to me to have more health hazards overall and the higher density of people pretty much guarantees faster transmission of any disease.

    The data I've seen seems to say that the states who did less the restrict and lockdown their citizens had fewer deaths from CVD than the more restrictive states.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!
      Virology 1 0 fucking 1.
      Remember the voices arguing against lockdown being suppressed and silenced? Remember the Drs quoting reams of data and statisti... ahhh, wasting my time.

  5. ... coincides with influenza ...

    Go-ollee, Sarge

  6. No real surprise here. It was nothing more than a 'version' of influenza that got hospitals a BUNCH of $$$, which is why the flu mortality went to zero.

    1. You tell a hospital administrator that if you click box "A" instead of box "B" on a form that they will get FREE MONEY, which box are they going to click? That's how they bought off a large part of the medical field to not call BS on the Wuhan scam.

  7. What NFO said. And how to you treat a flu? Treat the secondary infections first, provide palative care at the beginning of the illness, provide good food, fresh air and sunshine (how many out there remember being bundled up and shoved out into the sun for 30 minutes to burn and sweat? Guess what? It actually works!)

    Especially since most deaths (some people will die from secondary infections from even a mild flu. Eh, it's what it is.) were from injected, and the more injections one has, the better chances of dirt-napping.

  8. Propoganda watch 101:

    “ With vs. from Covid's toll, to be clear, has not fallen to zero. The C.D.C's main Covid webpage estimates that about 80 people per day have been dying from the virus in recent weeks, which is equal to about 1
    percent of overall daily deaths. The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other C.D.C. data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category. A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases came to similar conclusions.”




    Widespread panic propaganda - learn to spot it before you act.


  9. I had a conversation with my 2 youngest just the other day. ZH had an article about a researcher who got his hands on death certs from 2 states. Through FOIA he obtained the federal gov statistics on same states, and attempted to corroborate data.
    He found over 700,000 instances where the state cert 'cause of death' was anything but, but when linked up to the federal version of the same form, covering the same death, of the same exact person, it was recorded as a kungflu kill.
    Perhaps you remember the story of the motor cycle accident decedent? "He might have been suicidal" I believe was the excuse proferred since his corpse tested positive after eleventy-billion cycles in the PCR test (a condition GUARANTEED BY THE INVENTOR OF THE TEST to give a false positive).
    I guess what I'm trying to say is the government's statistics on the wuhan flu are not worth wiping your ass with. I certainly wouldn't use it to draw any conclusions. It is so horribly polluted to be un-usable. This was an obvious outcome the instant they started jerking the PCR cycle counts around - an ER doc I had the pleasure of taking my Son to confirmed as much at the time. Turns the data into apples and oranges, and then cannot be compared. Then you compound it with proof of outright fraud and manipulation of the statistics and... I'm done with the convesation. Its pointless with polluted data! Thats how they sell the climate change scam - polluted sensor data!

    1. This is part of the Cook County's ME spreadsheet on China Wuhan Virus deaths:

      100% bullshit

  10. The REAL effects of the clot shot are being felt with the advent of "Died Suddenly" reports.

    We will NEVER get the truth from .MED or .GOV on the whole covid mongolian fustercluck. But those that did not take the clot shot are sittin' pretty.

    1. I can't find it now, but there has been pretty good information put out from England about excess deaths recently. Since they have socialized medicine, they have very good and comprehensive data.

  11. You cannot extrapolate anything from manipulated data. The CDC and every other Global Health Agency has lied and manipulated their data to sell pharmaceutical products so they can profit from your illnesses.
    We will never know the whole truth. The only "truth" we can keep track of is how many excess deaths there are. (Right now, look at insurance company actuarial projections; we are looking at millions of excess deaths just in this country).

    1. I am with you 100%.
      Been watching the insurance numbers closely because ins companies are usually safe harbor during economic downturns (401k $$$).
      What I don't see, is decreased traffic near me.
      If millions are dying from the shot, and let me be clear - I do believe that is happening, I am not seeing evidence of it in my local traffic. Anyone notice roads getting lighter? Admittedly I'm in one of the places people are migrating TO. So it could be that.

    2. Look at insurance company data for life insurance claims over the last three years.

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