Where the stories start...

Monday, September 4, 2017


Things are not looking spiffy for southern Florida.


Punch-list of things to do before a hurricane courtesy of Alpha Rubicon with a couple of points I thought were particularly germane.
  • What to do if you decide to ride out the storm.
    * First, you need to reconsider your decision to ride out the storm.
  •  ...have a good portable radio
  • Make a videotape recording of your property.
  • ...plastic bags are your friends.

 After the Hurricane also courtesy of Alpha Rubicon These are fast reads
  • Mold-related respiratory illnesses surface from people still living in their storm-damaged and damp homes 
  • Scammers attacking gullible victims charging "inspection fees" 
  • Antibiotics in demand as doctors treat a myriad of patients with infections started with a scratched mosquito bite or other itch
  • Dogs have banded together to survive on the streets of Charlotte County having reverted to the pack mentality.
  • bug spray - (have) enough to several times daily, every day for a month
  • Distraught residents talk about suicide, having nothing left to live for
  •  "Boil water" order is in effect. Few residents have communications to hear this warning (or have heat source to boil it)
So, you think you have your poop-in-a-group and will be able to help your neighbors?  Also from Alpha Rubicon.

  • During Hurricane Hugo I elected to stay in my home, to guard my family's possessions from looters. I was ready and willing to help my neighbors guard their homes, clean up debris after the fact, and in general be an all around model survivalist... then the wind started. 

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