Where the stories start...

Saturday, September 16, 2017

I am not sure I earned my pay today

If you were in the room and looking me in the eye, I am not sure I could tell you I earned my pay today.

Tomorrow is another day.  I will be better prepared.  I am charging up batteries for my battery tool.  After church tomorrow I plan on buying a sampler pack of drill bits and such.

The other thing is that I ran into a guy who worked in many of the same manufacturing plants I worked in.  We knew many of the same people although we never ran across each other.  It was a bit like a couple of people who graduated from the same high school within a year of each other meeting in Milan, Italy.  Lots of notes to compare. 

He took the time at the end of the shift to acquaint me with some of the equipment I was unfamiliar with.  I told him some of the equipment I had worked with and some tweaks that I thought would smooth up their operation.

The other thing is remembering the names.  Lots and lots of names to remember.

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