Where the stories start...

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Clermont, Florida and northward bound

Southern Belle and Handsome Hombre spent the night in a parking lot in Clermont, Florida, 250 miles north of South Miami.  They made good time.

SB called us while driving at 11:30 and asked us to find them a place to stay.

All of the hotels were packed.

The best we could find was a church parking lot four miles off the Florida Turnpike.   My thanks to the fine people at The Church at South Lake.  They have a parking lot with about 200 spaces and it is within spitting distance of several restaurants and convenience stores.

The back up plan if that parking lot was full was to have them go another three miles west where there are several more churches.

Southern Belle and Handsome Hombre are back on the road after six hours of sleep.  They have Sausage McMuffins and coffee in their bellies and about 250 miles of gas in the tank.


  1. Safe and steady travels to them both.

  2. Walmart seems to be the choice for various grey haired gypsies in their motor homes. Seems Wally world appreciates them for their patronage and added security.


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