Where the stories start...

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Due to last night's bonfire we opted to attend Mass in East Lansing at 7:00 PM.  I noticed that I was wearing a baseball cap as we were walking into the building.  I went back to the vehicle (in a REAL parking ramp!!!) to lose the cap.  I struck up a conversation with the lady who parked near our van.

Her vehicle had a vanity plate.  Most people with vanity plates are more than happy to help you decode them when they are not completely obvious.

She seemed a bit evasive.  The license plate was her husband's choice. The vanity plate was the URL of his website.  I got the vibe that her husband is a man of strong opinions and passionately believes in what he does.  Spouses know that it is impossible to read people from casual conversations.

I figured I was either really going to like this guy or dislike him.

The Society for Accurate Information and Distribution



Real time sun images

Yeah, I think his website has potential.

He has a sister site "Public Response"

Public Response was born as a community email newsletter to encourage transparency of government and to cultivate communication. Your confidence in the action of public thought will secure a place for public opinion in our society and in that of our children. Our children will live in the shadows of our negligence or in the wisdom and brilliance of our actions.

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