Where the stories start...

Saturday, October 4, 2014


From the Washington Post

Data with regression line.  Careers above line have more pay and satisfaction than those below the line.

Circled careers include Nuclear Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical-Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Actuarial Mathematics, Aeronautical Engineering, Bio-medical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Bio-chemical science, Occupational-Safety professional, Nursing.

Circled careers include Film Production, Fashion Merchandizing, Graphic Communication, Culinary Arts, Photography, Art and Design, Graphic Design, Classics, Radio/TV/Film Production, Radio/TV/Film Studies, Visual Communication, Advertising and Graphic Design.

It is surprising that "creative" careers lag in meaningfulness.  It may be that technology  has made the capturing, manipulation and publishing of visual and video available to the masses. For example, my blogging tools are a $30 digital camera and a $249 laptop. Technically oriented people can bypass the "creative" people and still communicate effectively.  So "creative" professions lost their monopoly and have become expendable.  Not only that, they will be discarded when they get too uppity.  Nope, I would not be very happy with my lot in life either.

Common advice given to graduates is "Find something that you enjoy doing."  Perhaps that should be adjusted a bit.  Actually be able to "Do" something...emphasis on do rather than something.  The problem with "communication" type careers is that you are competing with 1,280,000,000 Facebook users who do it for free.  It is a bit like trying to make a profession out of breathing.  Some people may be able to pull down good wages breathing, but not many.


  1. Yep, actually being able to DO something is kinda important... Sigh...

  2. Do something that pays enough to satisfy your personal needs/wants. Telling young people to only seek out a career that involves something they "love" to do is for the most part an unfortunate lie. Not many make it as basketball players or race car drivers or rock stars. Trying to find a career that matches your personal inclinations and abilities might be a better way to put it. I wonder how many young people "wanted" to grow up to be coal miners? Yet these coal miners take great great pride and personal satisfaction in knowing that they are providing for their families and contributing to society. They are rightfully proud men.

  3. Hello Doug:

    Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.


  4. Hi Joe. Thank *you* for continuing to provide quality thought provoking material.

    Re: The above point I tried to make. Not trying to sound like a downer. The high school coach will likely recognize those with prof. sports potential. There are many examples of those who blossomed into unconventional careers while pursuing the conventional: Cheryl Crow began as a school teacher, started singing in small clubs on her off time. Einstein started as a patent clerk. Countless more examples. Btw, the "coal miner" illustration was stolen from Dr. Laura Schlessinger (one very smart lady IMO).


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