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Monday, March 4, 2024

"Proof God Exists"

Some people enjoy reading accounts of Near Death Experiences, probably because they seem them as proof that God exists and they enjoy sharing them with believers whose faith is shaky.

It may seem odd to some, but I find people trying to "prove" God exists to be...well, wasted effort.

The problem with relying on logical-proofs to demonstrate God exists is that you are unwittingly saying that God can be proven to NOT exist using logic. That implies that logic is greater than God and God is subservient to a cunningly crafted argument.

Still, some people take comfort in believing they are logical and rational. It is an important part of their core-identity. They are uncomfortable with child-like faith and demand  "Where does the Bible say THAT?"

The Bible telling us that God is greater than logic

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.     -Genesis 1:1-5  KJV

In popular lingo, God created order out of chaos. Chaos proceeded order and logic. God existed before there was order and logic. Therefore, God created logic...If He created it then he is not bound by it. Just like I created this blog-post and have the authority to change any detail in it at any time.

The Bible telling us that God exists

And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?

And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.   Exodus 3:13,14  KJV

God undoubtedly anticipated questions about his existence. When Moses asked God His name, God responded "I AM", a laconic version of "I am He who Exists and Always Existed and will Always Exist."

The Bible telling us that God's existence and powers transcend time as we know it

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.     -Genesis 1:14-16

I need to have the reader put themselves in the sandals of a person living in the time of Abraham. The old man stands at the well and watches the sun-rise above the rim of the basin that houses their winter camp. He marks where the sun rises. Perhaps he built a rock cairn that he moved every day to mark the new spot where the sun rose. When he no longer has to move it, then the end of the solar-year is at hand. The season was divided.

In a similar way, the farmer in his field watches the distance the sun is from the horizon to mark the end of his work day. When it reaches a certain point, maybe a hand's-breadth, he knows it is time to pick up his tools and walk home...and he will still have a little bit of light for his nighttime domestic chores.

A key point is that the word "rule" is not meant in the sense of "boss around", it is meant in the less common sense of "to mark in increments".

A scholar of Ancient Greek or Hebrew could take me to task for assuming this less common definition, but the Bible also claims that "counting" or "taking a census" was the equivalent of asserting dominance over a people in the sense that it was to extract taxes or a levy of soldiers to send to the far corners of the empire. Internally, the Bible does not seem to differentiate between "counting" and "asserting dominance".

4: (1) to mark with lines drawn along or as if along the straight edge of a ruler
4: (2) to mark (a line) on a paper with a ruler  Link
Given the technology available to people in 4000BC-to-2000BC, I cannot think of any way the concept that "God existed before "time" existed" could be communicated. Not only that, but the text clearly states that "God created time" because God created the means by which time is measured. Every scientist knows that abstract entities that cannot be measured really do not exist.


  1. ERJ, is your very last sentence an example of sarcasm?
    I think yes because the history of empiricism is fraught with examples of the 'unmessureable' , after a time, proven to exist.

    I agree that logic or reason used to prove the existence of God is fallable. Basically, personal anecdote is hardly a convincing argument especially to the doubtful or unbeliever.

    An evil and adulterous generation seeketh a sign. Man's hubris. God proves His existence in every instance.

    Myself have had multiple experiences which undeniably prove that God exists and is present. Yet while these experiences fortify my faith, they are not the origin of my faith. Nor should I expect them to originate faith in God in another person.

    1. Apologies for the slow response.

      The last sentence was not intended as sarcasm. It was intended for "doubters" who are scientifically-literate.

      The picture in my head were the fifty-seven genders and countless shadow-worlds between Amber and Chaos in Zelazny's books. At best they are hypothesis and worst they are the rankest form of fiction....until there is data to support them.

    2. ERJ, OP here. In that context I see how your last sentence does also make sense.

      How gracious of you to offer apology where not required.

  2. God is reportedly omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. For such an entity providing irrefutable proof of existence would be childs play. But no such proof exists. The relevant question would be why a deity would want everyone to believe and obey him but refuse to provide proof of existence. Oh....and for some reason he always seems to need money.

    1. The most honest answer to your first observations are "It is a mystery."

      In my mind, God enjoys our chaos and randomness and has joy when we finally bumble our way to "the right answer". Fine crystal glassware adds to the experience of enjoying expensive (even if flawed) wine. The fact that everything that makes the crystal glass perfect for the job makes it fragile and prone to failure.

      I think God sees us the same way. He could make us slaves. Some religions believe that we are and that we have no free-will. They believe that even to the very finest detail in the unfolding of history, not only was it for-ordained but no other outcome was ever possible. Inshallah.

      With regard to God needing money? I doubt it. If he needed money he could have made a killing in the stock-market.

  3. I know God exists because I can feel it. If you watch you can see His hand in motion in the tiniest, smallest of ways. I say this as a reformed atheist that tripped over God in a dog park at 5:00am in pitch black cold of winter. He is right under your nose. He's been there forever.

    As a former atheist I marvel at my former stupidity. There are at least 5 (maybe 6) dimensions your scholarly, scientific atheist can't even PERCEIVE. It's like cavemen telling you why mankind will never fly. Hell's bells... until I met them, I didn't even know what a Christian was. I thought they were all cud chewing sheep or grifters.

    I can't do evengelism and probably wouldn't even if I could. Whether someone believes or not is none of my concern. I just won't have them telling me what I have to believe.

  4. I recall some Jesuit (I think) argument that scientific proof that God exists would be scientific proof God doesn't exist, because that would mean God was part of nature and bound by it. It's faith, or it's nothing.

  5. I believe the proof is there, but the discernment is lacking. We have been told that God is a spirit. Since this is a fact, He must be understood as such. Men will have to move from the natural world to the supernatural to begin to comprehend his being. Since we are given free will, it is easy to say, "Show me" and argue that no finite, measurable entity explains our doubts. But it is by faith that we know he exists and is in control of everything. I will admit that this is not easily done. I also believe the bible is His holy word and was given to us for our edification. Christ himself said to Thomas, (when they finally met again after his crucifixion) "You have seen and believed. Blessed are they who have not seen, yet believe anyway."

  6. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

  7. I have been listening to Dr. Heiser. Discuss the supernatural world from scripture in the Bible and has opened a realm of wonder and amazement about who God is. Check out the supernatural seminar might be crazy but fascinating.

  8. Finish the statement "In the Beginning". Big Bang, stacked Very Large Turtles, whatever. I will choose " In the beginning, God".
    God who created all, including time, who exists outside of time, seeing past, present and future with equal clarity, and who wishes relationship with beings who have the innate, created, ability to tell him to go pound sand.
    Here I stand
    A little bit East of Paris

  9. ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVEeXjPiw54&t=295s

    You should spend time with my boy, Spinoza.


    By 23, or so, he had gutted religion as superstition and that led to his excommunication by the Jewish authorities. Their response is so over the top that I have to laugh. " Cursed be he by day and cursed be he by night; cursed be he when he lies down and cursed be he when he rises up. Cursed be he when he goes out and cursed be he when he comes in." Obviously, he hit a nerve.

    "Spinoza's ideas have had a major impact on intellectual debates from the seventeenth century to the current era.How Spinoza is viewed has gone from the atheistic author of treatises that undermine Judaism and organized religion, to a cultural hero, the first secular Jew."

    'Albert Einstein named Spinoza as the philosopher who exerted the most influence on his world view (Weltanschauung). Spinoza equated God (infinite substance) with Nature, consistent with Einstein's belief in an impersonal deity."


    I saw somewhere he may have been the greatest philosopher ever.



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