Where the stories start...

Sunday, March 17, 2024


The Home and Garden show was held at the Michigan State Livestock pavilion. Free samples of organic fertilizer were available in the parking lot.

One of my roles at the trade-show was to entertain the spouses while an interested party talked to The-Brains-Of-The-Outfit. Or, if potential clients were stacking up, I would keep them occupied so they didn't walk off before TBOTO had a chance to work them over and get contact info.

A petite woman was talking with TBOTO so I started chatting with her husband. He was a man of middling-size and about my age. I struggle to describe him. Imagine a calm, intelligent Jack Russel terrier. He was clearly comfortable in his skin.

Glancing down at my name tag, he said "So, Joe, where do you live?"

"Eaton Rapids" I responded.

"Are you Eaton Rapids Joe?" he asked.

First time ever. Busted.

I admitted that I am Eaton Rapids Joe.

He elbowed his wife and pointed at me. "He is Eaton Rapids Joe."

Her eyes got big. "No!"

Then she asked "Can I take a picture?"

I thought she was kidding, but she was serious.

I promised that I would give them a "shout-out" on the blog but like a ninny I failed to write down their names. So if you read this and I messed up your names, please forgive me...my brain was turning into oatmeal.

"Hey, a BIG shout-out to Rick and Terri G."


  1. The paparazzi will be swarming now. You're done for!!!

  2. Watch out for the groupies that are sure to follow!

  3. You should have written Jose.

  4. Taking one for the fan base. Good one!

    1. We are all Eaton Rapids Joe (stolen from Spartacus)

  5. LOL, your first time being outed??? LOL

  6. My claim to fame is that I was reading your blog BEFORE you were famous! >};oD

    Phil B

    1. I am pretty sure that I am still not famous

  7. The wife and I both laughed at your getting "outed"! She doesn't read you, but she gets enough second hand. "You're kind of a big deal."

  8. Hey - you Famous ! Now you must leave the property incognito.


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