Where the stories start...

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Family Reunion A-A-R

It rained through the entire event.

We survived.

Fifteen people showed up.

It seemed like there were three conversations going on at all times.

It is over.

I survived.

Now we have huge amounts of food to deal with.


  1. Always like the leftover meats & vegetables for soups. And someone around must have chickens - they’ll eat any soup, stew, or made dish. My chicken-raising neighbor is across the street. I made a soup way too hot with peppers and garlic. Chickens didn’t care.

  2. At least it is over and you did your duty.

    If more did not show up then they no longer care.

    Now you know.

  3. Better leftovers than not enough. You can always get your friends to help you finish the leftovers off.

  4. But there was a reunion, and there was family. Good on you Joe for holding the center, rain or shine.


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