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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Heart disease mortality by urban/rural status

Apologies for the busy chart. Annual mortality rate for heart disease 2015-2019 broken down by urbanization. People ages 60-through-79 were looked at.

Nine states:

Colorado, Minnesota and Utah classified as "Healthy"

Michigan, Maryland and Pennsylvania classified as "Legacy City"

Oklahoma, Alabama and Louisiana classified as "Challenged Rural"

Large Metro in Michigan and Maryland have mortality rates indistinguishable from rural OK, AL and LA.

Legacy City states show high mortality in central metro areas, best performance in metro fringe areas (suburbs) and then gradually increasing mortality as the county becomes more rural.

The "Healthy" states have little variation based on degree of urbanization.

California which is of interest to some readers has a mortality rate of about 320 for Central Metro and about 400 for the three most rural classifications.


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