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Thursday, December 2, 2021

Sauce: Goose meets gander

Covid is a virus.

HIV is caused by a virus. Uncontrolled HIV is called AIDS, Acquired Imunno-Deficiency Syndrome.

The Global medical/insurance/healthcare complex determined that two experimental vaccines plus a booster every six months was sufficient to  control Covid. The cost to the US government for the Pfizer vaccine is about $20 per dose. 

The sheeple are herded away from anti-virals and into taking the experimental vaccines through coercion even as evidence mounts of side effects like ischemic heart attacks, strokes and lung embolisms mount.

HIV patients, many of whom are insured via Medicaid (that is, the government), cost between $1800 and $4500 PER MONTH to treat. The vast majority of that cost is the anti-viral cocktails they take.

It is as obvious as the nose on your face that HIV positive people will be switched from their extremely expensive anti-viral regimes and be immunized with experimental, $20-a-dose "good enough for who it is for" vaccines once every six months.

Remember, it was called the AFFORDABLE Care Act.

1 comment:

  1. My only quibble is that most AIDS patients fall under a preferred group, so the cost of their care won't matter...


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