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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Fried fish, literacy rates and Youtube

Yesterday I went to a pull-a-number and wait scenarios. I took a book.

When my number came up, I shuffled to window 27 and Customer Service Representative S.M. helped me resolve my issues.

Shayne was practiced enough at his job that we were able to have a conversation while he worked his magic. One of his hobbies is cooking. His tip for cooking fish that might have a slightly "boggy" taste is to soak in in buttermilk (in the fridge), shake off the excess buttermilk, dip it in Drakes Crispy Frymix and then deep-fat fry as usual.

He claimed the buttermilk soak masks the slightly off-taste that can come from fish that lived in water with high vegetation levels or were farm-raised in crowded ponds. I don't recall how long he said to soak the fish but imagine it must be four-hours or more.

Literacy rates

More than half of Americans cannot read at or above a 6th-grade level. That makes it difficult for them to fill out job applications or to adequately perform higher-level tasks in the modern workplace.

A study of transcripts indicates that almost 70% of students attending public, two-year institutions took remedial classes while 40% of those attending public, 4-year institutions took remedial classes. Those are twice the rates reported by students.


I have been enjoying Ben Shapiro (political), Nick Freitas (political), Its a Southern Thing (Humor),  Life in 3D (music, expressive faces), The Petersens (music), Whosoever South (music).


  1. I've heard that before about buttermilk.
    One year when hubby got a squirrel, he put it in the fridge in saltwater for about 10 hours.
    I would think maybe not so long for fish, but I don't know.

    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Squirrels, game birds, all benefit from wet aging in a brine bath at least 24 hours, to allow rigor mortis to subside and to help make the end product moist. I do the same with organ meats from beef and large game, changing the brine at 24 hours. Pheasants store fine in a brine nag for two weeks and are much more tender than fresh

    2. Bag, not nag!

  2. I noticed that graduation rates for college are now based on 6 years and not 4.

  3. Ben Shapiro is a paid Zionist hack who hates America.

    1. And that voice could whine paint off a wall.

    2. I enjoy him for his ability to think-on-his feet and to quickly identify the logical fallacies the feeling-class and the "takers" use to under-gird their arguments.

      I have seen ZERO evidence that Ben Shapiro hates America, unless you are talking about the mindless, neo-communists who call themselves "America".

    3. Look into this. Ben brought Jordan Peterson on board his outfit and also introduced him to Netanyahu: Peterson then began shilling for Zionist wars, calling on his followers to demand that America attack Iran for . . . women's rights, etc.

      He is not in any way conservative, he's NEOCONSERVATIVE: picking off the low hanging fruit of the Libs madness while
      demanding that whites die in wars for the Jewish state-all the while decrying whites who want an ethnostate of their own. He's a hypocritical Pharisee worthy of standing with those Christ rebuked.

  4. ***** Five stars for Drake's Crispy Fry Mix!

  5. Another TubeofU you may enjoy watching is "Sh%t Southern Women Say". When you hear the level of verbal destruction these women can mete out, well, you'll be adding mor than just "well bless your heart" to your mental vocabulary.

  6. My Akransas born paternal Granny would no doubt 100% support buttermilk salvaging almost anything.

    The statistics you quote on literacy do not shock me, and my concern level for such things is long past getting aggravated. It has been documented that high schools no longer require competency (or passing grades) to graduate students. Longer term, of course, in a society proposing to rely on technology, the ability to read and follow instruction is crucial. But the short term strategy of almost every institution now is "I did my part; kick them down the road and let someone else fix it".

    I spend far more time watching/listening to The Tube of You than anything commercially produced any more. Some of the most innovative and best content creation is happening there.

    A thought linking together: whether in education or in entertainment, the locus of skill, innovation, and (eventually) financial remuneration is heading away from the current power structure and where it is located.

  7. Youtube: A rabbit hole tumbled down recently: Bushcraft Vietnam. Not just one channel. Dozens, maybe hundreds. Not sure what the deal is, they all do very similar bushcrafty/homesteady/farmy things. Very interesting to watch. Just checked the average wage in VN is $175 a month, so an extra bit of change from a monetized bunch of videos could make a big difference.

    1. I will also say that - at least for the communities I follow - they are very supportive of other people that make similar content. There really seems to be a sense of producing good product instead of competing to crush others.

  8. If you like the Petersens you might enjoy this family band too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipFpd7Zyzm0

  9. I'm struggling trying to wrap my head around the literacy comment.... to really grok it and all the implications makes my head hurt.

    1. Graduating illiterates means they are fodder for the mass (MAD) media. Even more, the community colleges now have an entire student population taking remedial HS courses to get them ready for actual college-level classes. I saw a comment that universities now report 6 year graduation rates, not 4.

    2. Yeah, exactly what I mean, the tertiary and quaternary affects are simply mindboggling. What's called college level isn't even college level, on top of that! These people live their lives thinking they're smart, and educated, and they're barely considered literate by ummm... every previous generation that came before them.
      None of them can actually form a cogent argument, never mind follow or express one. Midwits and zombies don't even do it justice.
      Wow, we are sooo screwed...

  10. I check out, Monkey Werks on YouTube.
    He shows the data from Skyglass and monitors flights of aircraft all over the world.

  11. Chicken destined for the deep fryer also benefits from a buttermilk marinade. Hadn't thought about using it for fish, I'll remember that.

  12. That Life in 3D is sure a pleasure to listen to.---ken

  13. Just wondering if there are some 'consistencies' in the demographics of that "More than half of Americans ..." figure?

    Need I say more?

    It's not (just) that America (and the entire western world) is getting dumber (which it is, intentionally, with the 'help' of woke teachers) but that diluting the populace with "others" has ... predictable results.

    1. I assume you are referring to Blacks.

      At 13% of the population, even if every Black was illiterate then they would still be outnumbered by the other 43% of non-Blacks in that 56% who read below the 6th grade level.

      Even if you look at a really horrible public school system like Detroit, 10% of the students leave the system (I am not going to say graduate) reading well above a 6th grade level based on standardized testing results.

      There is plenty of stupid to go around. No race has a monopoly on it.

  14. Check out Jeanne Robertson... the Queen of Clean Comedy. Love to listen to her... reminds me of all the lovely older ladies in the little rural Alabama community I grew up in. The world is a sorrier place since she passed.
    For more 'clean' humor... Nate Bargatze...


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