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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Bug-bombs (Cumberland Saga)

It was a tired and glum group that met on Sig’s patio. It was the cusp of springtime, time to prepare for planting and to repair the damage of winter. It was a time to prepare for lambs and calves and to load eggs beneath the broody-hens. It was a time to be extending fields or bringing in green wood to cure in ricks close to houses for the next winter’s heating season.

It was not a time to be throwing manpower at taking one of the two-tracksout of commission and cutting foot-trails through the pucker-brush. Nor was it a time to send your most capable man to town to yuck-it-up with locals on a fishing expedition for information; information that might not exist.

Gregor did not have much to report. “Whoever is cooking meth is keeping a low profile.”

“I talked to Cameron and Karson, a couple of buddies I used to work with. They told me to talk to Nathan. Nathan told me to talk to his dad who always had coffee at McKing’s Restaurant between 1:00 and 3:00” Gregor said, describing how he had been chasing shadows.

“Nathan’s dad was a county cop back in the day when there was a lot of ‘cooking’ going on. He also keeps in touch with the guys who are still in patrol cars and yes, he heard about the home-brewed meth” Gregor said.

“Did you tell you anything useful?” Sig asked, eager to cut to the chase.

“Maybe. Deputy Crockett said it was nearly always a self-correcting problem, especially if the ‘mastermind’ is using his own meth. Home-cooked meth is loaded with contaminants. It is poison, pure and simple. Give an addict an unlimited supply and they burn-out in weeks or a couple of months at most” Gregor said.

“And what if this mastermind, as you call him, isn’t using his own meth?” Sig asked.

“Well, then he probably isn’t doing the actual cooking, either” Gregor said. “He has a recruiting problem. His gang are like a bunch of zombie-slaves. They stay awake for days at a stretch but then they crash. They can only do that so many times before they die. He needs to keep replacing them.”

“How did they do that back when Deputy Crockett was patroling, how did the masterminds recruit?” Sig wanted to know.

“According to Deputy Crockett, they would bust into a farm-house and tie up everybody in the family. Then they would give everybody a whacking-big hit of meth...more than enough to get them addicted. Then they are slaves” Gregor said.

“Deputy Crockett says that ain’t gonna work so well now because the county is flooded with houses owned by people trying to get away from Knox, Chatt and Atlanta. There aren’t that many isolated farm-houses anymore.”

“Crockett said the cops DID find one place where they had cooked. They had to condemn the building” Gregor said.

“How did they find where they were cooking?” Blain wanted to know.

“They arrested a woman for assault, maybe even the same one who mugged Sally. Who knows. Clearly a meth addict and a minor. Nobody answered the phone when they attempted to contact her mother. They drove up to the place to do a wellness check. Nobody there and the house reeked. The yard was also completely filled with trash” Gregor said. “Crockett said six people were registered as living in that house and they couldn't find any of them...except for the minor who they had arrested in town.”

“It is real puzzling. Everybody has smartphones an Crockett says that they would expect SOME 9-1-1 calls to be on record of home invasions if that is how they are 'cooking'.”

Sig had been pondering the defense of the Copperhead Cove compound the entire time he had been cutting brush. In his mind, he had three levels of preparedness that made sense to him. It looked like even the most extreme plan would be insufficient, but it would be a place to start.

“Time is our friend” Sig said. “We need to put a rock in the drive, up near the road. The rock has to be big enough that it cannot be driven over. All traffic needs to be on foot.”

“It is almost a quarter-mile walk. That will give us about five minutes warning” Sig said.

“How will we know they are coming?” Gregor asked.

“We move all of the dogs toward the drive and they get to spend the night outside, chained up. They ought to be able to hear folks walking up the drive.” Sig opined.

“I know you don’t like technology” Blain said “but there are some very useful electronic sensors that use WIFI to ping when somebody is coming up a driveway.”

“Who said I don’t like technology” Sig said. “I use it when it is appropriate.”

Blain saw Gregor rolling his eyes.

“Like, when would that be, Dad?” Gregor asked.

“Bug bombs for lice” Sig said. “Sunshine is better, but in the winter that isn’t an option. Bugs spread disease. Technology is OK for killing bugs.”

Sarah and Alice nodded their heads in agreement. They remembered the great lice and bedbug invasion of 2020.

Looking over at Blain, Sig said “You and Gregor figure out what pinger looks best. Get two of them. If they use batteries, make sure to get extra. But we are going to put the pingers out where the dogs can hear it. I don’t want one of them in my house.”

“It shouldn't be hard to train the dogs to raise a ruckus when a pinger goes off. Then everybody will know we gotta problem comin' our way.”

“Next item. Everybody has to get good with a serious weapon. We don’t know how many bugs will show up to the picnic.”

"Somebody needs to get the word to Sister Shannon. Her house is at the end of a long drive and it sounds like the kind of place 'cookers' would be interested in" Sig said.

"I can do that" Sarah said.

"Finally, we gotta make sure somebody buys Deputy Crockett a cup of coffee once-a-week. I don't wanna have to keep this up if the problem...how did Crockett say it...if it self-corrects."


  1. Meth heads and more evil than I was aware. Zombie slaves?

    1. From a simplified moral standpoint, they cannot be evil because they no longer have "agency" or the ability to morally reason. Their soul already departed their body.

      They are no more "evil" than a mosquito.

      The 'mastermind', on the other hand, is the essence of evil.

    2. "...no longer have 'agency' or the ability to morally reason..." reads like a pass to ignore the commandments; I don't recall reading about any such loopholes in the Bible. Need to read and pray on this perception of mine..

    3. Father Dwight isn't too keen on that argument either. Standard theology is that redemption/salvation is available to the sinner to the very end. Part of why the Catholic Church is against Euthanasia for dementia patients.

      With regard to the Ten Commandments, some translators suggest "Thou shall not kill" is an over simplification. They contend that "Thou shall not murder" is a better translation. Or, to get very wordy, "Thou shall not deprive another human of their life outside the Law".

      The Law makes allowances for the taking of another human's life. Defense of self. Defense of an innocent you are responsible for.

    4. ERJ, my understanding of that phrase is the same as the translators you referenced e.g. "Murder" versus "Kill". Total pacifism may be a personal choice, but not mandated.

    5. Some years ago, I overheard our pastor, now retired, responding to a member about the commandment. As best I can remember, he said, "As much as I hate it, as much as I wish it wasn't so, and as much as it pains me to say it, the commandment is Thou shalt not murder, and I cannot say otherwise."
      I had read that "kill" was an inaccurate translation, and wondered how I could prove it to myself. hoped that was actually true. Hearing him say that was a pretty strong confirmation in my mind. The New Revised Standard Version uses the word "murder".

  2. Identifying cover that would conceal home invaders before would be helpful. Better to steer the traffic along a route, where measures and sight lines are known. Placement of 'tanglefoot' would alert the invaders the owners are expecting company and are paying attention for potential visitors.

    Given the nature of meth and its well known effects, it is a wonder that a human being will choose to use it. May as well just commit suicide and get it over with.

    Good installment sir. This is a great series you are writing.

    1. The line I have to walk as a writer is to not do a brain-dump. Rather, give enough information and let my readers figure out how it might apply to their own property.

      My confidential, LEO source west of the Rockies informed me that meth-heads are very active at night. They don't sleep, can't sleep. Their quarry is most vulnerable at night. Typically off-balance and unable to grasp the rapidly changing situation, still groggy from waking, the playing field tips in favor of the meth-head. Daylight attacks happen when they are desperately in need of a fix and/or they don't have very many live brain-cells left.

      Since an attack on Copperhead Cove by the meth-heads will be a planned operation, they will attack between midnight and 4 AM. More detail than I wanted to put in the story but it is information that Gregor would have likely gotten from Deputy Crockett.

  3. Shouldn’t be hard to train the dogs instead of should?

  4. "“According to Deputy Crockett, they would bust into a farm-house and tie up everybody in the family. Then they would give everybody a whacking-big hit of meth...more than enough to get them addicted. Then they are slaves” Gregor said."

    Sounds a lot like the Indian Country scenario where the "Mastermind" observes the target house and strikes hard and fast. The FIRST Response of the target is critical. Calling 911 isn't valid. 12 gauge by the "victims" is far better. (insert fav home defense caliber here).

    Expect bad guys will be wearing body armor so train for belly shots. Much bigger target with less movement than head shots in active shooter scenarios.

    Slowing tactics are not that effective unless covered by sensors for ADVANCE Warning and PROMPT Response of the Ready Reaction Force.

    The "Calvary" isn't going to get there quick enough if there is tactical surprise or even a 5 minute delay between actual home invasion and arrival of "Calvary".

    The "Calvary" needs training on active hostage shooting skills, as there is a serious risk "Mastermind" will fail to flee from the home invasion promptly.

    Ugly scenario. Something that cowboy action shooting uses with popups (shoot, NO Shoot split second decisions) and bad guy behind Grandma scenarios.

    1. Bellies can be covered by armor. "Hips and lips". A solid hit on the pelvis will cause a structural failure and they won't get back up. Anybody worth shooting once is worth shooting until they are no longer a threat.
      The only guaranty of a one shot stop is a central nervous system hit. Too hard. Next best option is enough trauma to incapacitate them, Shotguns are best for that and you can get a reliable one for $150 to $350 (there are some XLNT pump shotguns from Turkey and Chy-nah for sub $200).
      I live in the sticks of Tennessee, I'm more worried about tweekers than illegal aliens at this point, that will probably change, sooner rather than later, I'm afeared.
      Keep yer head on a swivel.

    2. Tree Mike I was just out and about this morning Spoke to one of local Sherriff Deputies about Meth Heads. He mentioned that they favor feeding dogs antifreeze soaked hamburgers the day before they visit. I looked up symptoms and lethargic was common.

      I also noticed his body armor covers less than half of his belly and zero abdominal.

      That's where I train folks to aim.

      On phone hard to post.

      Interesting Times


  5. I wonder how many of those illegals are being brought here just because they are skilled at doing this to us.--ken

  6. With CC’s human resources, it might be wise to have alarms monitored at high risk (11pm-4am) hours by non-combatants. There is nobody more alert than elderly people who often feel useless without a mission.
    No references I recall regarding arms, but concealed handguns, constantly carried on CC’s property, might be obligatory to all capable individuals.
    Custom combat expensive 1911s not needed. Aitor single shots, or a homemade facsimile— can work as “Liberator” lifesavers.

  7. // "I can do that" Sarah said. //

    Mr. Chekhov doesn't like that........

  8. Willingness to use appropriate technology is a nice touch - and encouraging. Too often simplified living can come across as a total rejection of available technology. Thoughtful application seems a more realistic solution.


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