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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Worse than 9/11?

A diplomat from Israel claimed that the attack by terrorist group known as Hamas exceeded the horror of the 9/11 attack on the United States.

Various US based journalists called B.S. on that claim.

From the standpoint of absolute numbers, the US journalists are correct. +3000 on 9/11 vs +1200 in the recent Israeli attack.

From the standpoint of the impact on the population, the diplomat from Israel was correct. If the massacre was scaled based on population, the death-toll from 9/11 would have to be approximately 45k (15 times higher) to match the per-capita carnage we saw this week.

Frankly, am more inclined see things from the perspective of the Israeli diplomat. There is nobody in Israel who does not feel personally threatened while 9/11 was able to remain a (mostly) academic threat to the majority of the people in the United States.


  1. ERJ, I also suspect that lack of equivalency as argued by US based journalists is an attempt to minimize the horror and undercut justification for any Israeli action.

    Anyone with any sort of basic knowledge of history and geography should be able to understand why this is such an existential threat to Israel.

    1. Agreed.
      To an extent, this is worse than 1973, particularly for those not in the military.
      I would expect a change in doctrine as well as a large scale response.
      In a way, this could bring them back to their roots, how they acted in the 1950's and 1960's...

  2. Sigh... After so many instances it's tiring to see the sheep flock every time.
    I realize we don't generally _do_ politics or tinfoil hats here at casa ERJ, but c'mon man....
    The reason for the comparison to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor is the same reason all 3 events were allowed to take place by the intelligence agencies tasked with preventing them from happening.
    Yeah, the decaped baby story rhymes just a wee too much with the iraq

    1. Grrr,,, damn phone keyboards.
      The dead baby trope was tried in Kuwait, and no evidence ever existed, but here we are again, nasty soldier, killing babies, no evidence save for breathless reporters from MSM news. The sheeple slop it up like hungry hogs.
      NEXT we're going to allege trailers filled with weapons of mass destruction are buried in the desert. And sheeple will say "Won't somebody DO something?!?!"' Never did find any of those, did we?
      Got a better one, not mine, read it on the web:
      Israel hits the USS Ford, both sides blame it on Iran (Turkey will again have the radar track showing it came from Israel, but the UN will ignore that and sweep it under the rug just like last time). Then the US FINALLY gets to go to war with Iran, like it's been planning and looking for an excuse to, ever since the Bush family was in the white house!
      Look it up!
      We're being manipulated, lied to, and led into World War 3 and assholes the world over and cheerleading it.
      God can't help us, we deserve what's coming.

    2. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-10-11/israeli-officials-refuse-investigate-veracity-claims-mass-beheadings-kibbutz


      There's Been a WAR CRIME!!!

    3. This is what I believe:
      The inhabited part of Israel is about 140 miles long by 20 miles long (although the shape is "Gerrymandered".

      I believe that the major city that is farthest from hostile territory is Haifa which is 25 miles from Lebanon.

      I believe that there were over 1000 casualties inflicted by Hamas in the last week.

      I believe that Hamas, the military wing of the political party now ruling Gaza did not issue a formal declaration of war with Israel before inflicting those casualties.

      Am I way off-base on any of those beliefs?

    4. No, you're not wrong at all. What Hamas did was horrible, reprehensible, should not be forgiven. Neither should any of the millions of things israel has done to the palestinians. Neither side is innocent in this. Trying to justify either sides actions is futile.

      What I object to is political figures and politicians, and the media, STRAIGHT UP LYING to the populace and marching innocent men and women to their death in yet another pointless war to enrich the oligarchs.

      Refusing to investigate proves to me you're lying.
      No, you're not lying? OK, lets have an impartial international investigation then! Yaknow every time that has happened they were proven to be liars? Thats why they won't have one! Like the chemical weapons attack in Allepo? Nordstream II? Weapons of mass destruction buried in the desert? How many examples do I need to list from the last 20 years before people stop believing these liars? I can give you hundreds of examples in my lifetime alone.

      Repeating the previous lies you've been caught making, proves to me you're not a very creative liar (the onus is on the cheater to prove their innocence after being caught cheating).

      There aren't any dead and decapitated Jewish babies. Its a lie you've been told before, and are being told again because the population fell for it hook, line, and sinker last time.

    5. Let me lead off by stating that I am not trying to get you or anybody else inflamed. Nor am I trying to insult your intelligence.

      But...it is entirely possible that the Israeli have limited resources (population 9.5 million or approximately 1/4 the size of California) and triage demands that they focus those resources on tasks that will reduce risk of death and mayhem in the future rather than deploy those resources to settle disputes between a couple of old geezers 8 time-zones away.

  3. The original soundbite, taken from a larger press conference, referred to the country's INTELLIGENCE FAILURES as Israel's 9/11, just as the abject intelligence failures of the US's 3 dozen intelligence agencies led to our original. The speaker's original message of Mossad's and others' failure to pick up on the planning and pre-implementation of Saturday's attacks is to what was referred by the original speaker. Them the press picked it up and ran with their own agenda.


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