Where the stories start...

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Mistakes were made


It started innocently enough. I had lots of Aji Pineapple and Aji Mango chili peppers. I like to use modest amounts of relatively tame "hot-sauce" on some of my foods.

I used one of the tricks I learned in chemistry. Create a concentrated "stock" solution and then dilute down as needed to the desired strength. For instance, it is common to make a stock solution of 10,000 ppm solutions of rooting hormones in alcohol and then dilute them to 1000, 2500 or 5000 ppm depending on the species being rooted. 

It saves a lot of fussy measurements involving potent chemicals that are used in very small quantities. Rather than trying to measure the amount needed for 100ml of 1000 ppm solution, the happy-horticulturist measures out 5 grams of IBA or NAA and adds it to half-a-liter of alcohol to make his stock solution and then pours out 10ml of the stock solution and dilutes to bring the volume up to 100ml of solute.

So...I took my chilies and pureed them in our blender and then added enough 50:50 vinegar and water to make the sludge easy to pour. From there, I put it into some plastic bottles that once held sports electrolyte drink. My thinking was that the vinegar would not attack the plastic bottle.

A first pass at experimentation suggested that diluting the stock-solution 20:1 produced a hot-sauce the equivalent of Frank's.

What could go wrong?


If you study a map of Europe which is where most of our onion cultivars (cultivated-varieties) originate, you would notice that most of it is much farther north than Eaton Rapids. In fact, the French Riviera is farther north than Eaton Rapids.

Most onions are sensitive to day-length. Planted too far south, the onions will either not form bulbs or the ones the do form will be puny things.

The patch immediately east of Mrs ERJ's kitchen garden, the one earmarked for "onions" is shaded on the west by 50' tall pecan trees and on the east by a 20' tall apricot. The period when the onions will receive full-sun will be much shorter than if they were in the open.

I already planted the seed into a bed with the intention of transplanting the seedlings in the spring. Plans change. I will be transplanting them farther away than originally planned.


  1. LOL, what DID go wrong??? One wonders...

  2. He left the label intact, and a swig of the concentrate would be BAD.

  3. At just above the 49th parallel I’ve had troubles with my winter storage onions putting out a seed stalk in the later summer. We had blamed partial shade as the culprit, but this year I found it to be due to uneven watering —-I watered religiously and evenly resulting in only a few seed heads. However, next year’s spot will be a bit shadier so we’ll have a better test. But I’ll be wary of shade on my onions for some time yet.

  4. Might be handy for the guy who takes your Gatorade w/o asking.

  5. I’m at 62N latitude and grow my onions from plants purchased from a supplier from Texas. I grow ling day onions. Their catalog clearly defines long day varieties and intermediate and short day. I use the hoop house so I can plant them earlier and keep early freezes at bay so they dry down for storage!

  6. Thank you for description of your spicy flavoriing make-up. I also like a bit of heat in my food, slicing up jalepeno peppers or sprinkling cayenne powder on my foods. I leave salsa other 'wet spice' for my wife, I'd totally be WAGing the result for that.

    Herdez Guacamole Salsa is my favorite commercial salsa which can be commonly found in local supermarkets. At local Taco Palenque restaurants, the guacamole flavored salsa is my choice.

    Thanks again for your post.

  7. Received a bottle of "DA Bomb" hot sauce. A small drop off the end of a toothpick will fire up a bottle of Tabasco or similar.
    Straight up the stuff should require a chemical weapons export license.


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