Where the stories start...

Friday, October 27, 2023

Hey Grandpa, what's for supper?


Last night's supper. The kielbasa did not come from our property but everything else did.

We had a flavor shoot-out between Carillon and Merlin beets. Merlin won.

The advantage of cooking vegetables in the oven as opposed to boiling them is that dry air intensifies flavors rather than leaching them away.

If you eat this way you have to make an effort to ensure that you are eating enough fat. One way to make that happen is to coat the cabbage wedges with butter or bacon grease before baking them. Sprinkle with garlic powder or black pepper and you have a feast fit for a king.

I marvel that 25% of the people who responded to this survey lacked the discretion to keep this opinion to themselves. I don't answer surveys. I don't know who is on the other end of the line. I don't hand out ANY information. None. Not how many windows my house has or its square-footage. I don't volunteer how many kids I have or their locations. I don't put up yards signs or decorate.

If they need to know, they can issue a subpoena and they can depose me and I will show up with my lawyer.

And you all know that I am a warm, caring, peace-loving American. Words can be twisted.


  1. That last sentence is so true.
    Watching the world and media these last few years....
    I have warned my kids about social media, don't post it. See that football player that lost an NFL contract b/c of a tweet he made when he was 15? It was funny and 'acceptable but edgey' then.
    Don't do it.
    We live in interesting times.

  2. It just occurred to me....
    Another way of looking at that 25%, is thats
    A. The number they were willing to report
    B. Likely much higher (we all know which way the media's wind blows)
    C. If that is what they repoted as answered, how many people does that represent that take the ERJ approach to surveys?
    Said another way, if 25% were willing to admit, what percent agrees but kept silent?
    Likely over 50%
    We ARE the majority.

  3. Making me hungry. Surveys, yes much the same. News as well, I truly believe most stories are planted by something or someone and they are ALL grifters.

  4. Never tried baked cabbage. Hubby taught me to stir fry ours with bacon fat, onions and bell peppers. And smoked sausage.
    May have to give your way a try. Thank you.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  5. I had never thought of coating it with fat!

    We have used an air fryer for vegetables. Brussel sprouts in particular are delicious using that method.


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