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Thursday, September 28, 2023

One Week "Vacation" is an Antidote to toxic on-line content

John Wilder recently wrote a post titled The Kids aren't Alright: Mental Health

Solutions that seem perfectly obvious to those of us with a few miles on the odometer never occur to the kids muddling through their universe.

 If you have a relationship with a kid who is immobilized by depression or anxiety, don't be afraid to suggest a one-week "vacation" from social media or from whichever websites leave them feeling worse.

One week seems doable for most folks. Calling it a "vacation" is accurate. Vacations are when we leave behind the grind and demands of everyday life and recharge our batteries.

Simple, cheap, under the control of the patient.

Suggest they write a short paragraph on how the feel before starting the vacation and another short paragraph after it. Then read the two paragraphs one after the other.

If they found that it helped, they can prescribe a social-media vacation any time they feel it would be helpful for their mental health.

1 comment:

  1. As a (former) Scoutmaster who didn't allow any phones on outings, I noticed on Friday kids were a bit upset, but it only lasted a day. Once they got involved in actual Scouting, they were fine. Scouting, alas, has moved away from its values.


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