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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Fine Art Tuesday


Max Friedrich Koch born 1859 in Germany. Died 1930.

Notable as a "Historic" illustrator. This genre, especially those who dabbled in Nordic myth and Wagnerian themes has been mostly erased from history. The museums in Germany were not immune to high explosives dropped from aerial bombers.

Then, after WWII all things favored by Hitler were dirtied and people tried to forget.

Koch's work was unapologeticly masculine and virile as was his time and place.

He could do color, too.

This kind of sail makes sense when the only breeze that can be found is significantly above ground-level. It would be stupid on open water.


  1. I remember these kinds of illustrations from books of my parents' and grandparents' generation that they still had. Makes me sad it is so rare now.

  2. I love the picture of the hunter with the two Brittanies. A very talented artist that I'd never heard of - thanks!

  3. I'm sorry. In this case, pronouncing them as stupid reveals your ignorance.

    Consider the sail plan of the polynesian voyaging canoe (vaka, or wa'a)


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