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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Chesterton Academy of St George in Jackson, Michigan

The Chesterton Academy of St. George was started by three fathers from the Jackson (Michigan) area: Thomas Hulett, Joseph Gruber, and Matthew Anderson. The families that choose Chesterton come from a variety of backgrounds but all have the common desire for our counter cultural education that will help their children to be disciples of Christ in the midst of the modern world.

The Chesterton Academy of St. George offers a classical education in the Catholic tradition for grades 9-12. Our education is structured according to history, so that each year a student's classes are naturally in dialogue with each other. Thus, freshman year students study the ancient world in all their classes so that what they are reading in history and philosophy interweaves with theology, math, science, etc. Daily Mass is the most important activity each day. Furthermore, we train our students in virtue through a House System that encourages community, self sacrifice, and resiliency. 

This school has come about primarily through God's grace. It is He who has led people to us to help with fundraising, enrollment, teaching and the facility. Our donors often give to us because they recognize the importance of a more intentional formation of young people in a thoroughly Catholic environment. Our families choose us because they are looking for a fully human formation for their children, one that will teach them to be the men and women God is calling them to be. 
We are located in the Bethany House facility here in Jackson: 1000 E Porter St, Jackson MI 49202. It is the old Felician Sisters orphanage, so we have a chapel, a gym, classrooms, and office space. 
The process for starting the Chesterton Academy of St. George began in January, 2021 as we three fathers were considering where we wanted to send our own children to high school. We saw a need for this type of education here in Jackson, and so we worked over the next year to set up the school. The school itself opened in August, 2022.
Much of modern education is influenced by a relativistic philosophy that trains students in the belief that they create their own truth. This belief is a fundamental hindrance to faith, which is founded on the idea that we receive a truth from a higher source outside ourselves. Classical education, on the other hand, helps to pass on the world view that truth is found outside ourselves and is something to which we must conform. Parents see that the value of living in conformity with the truth brings fulfillment, and so thus are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to provide that for their children. For their part, students experience the unique joy and healing that the true, the good and the beautiful bring to life, which makes them want to attend Chesterton. Last year, many of our students were actually disappointed when summer vacation began because of the profound impact this education is having on their lives.
Four things potential students and their parents should know
The joyful culture is definitely unique. As an example, each month we have a happy hour at Grand River Brewery for adults where we enjoy a good pint and discuss the most important things. 
Furthermore, our philosophy course is very unique at the high school level, but it has proved invaluable for teaching children how to think, not just what to think. 
Similarly, having choir, drama, and art for all students has been a very influential part of the curriculum. These classes introduce students to the beautiful, but they also teach students how to learn new skills that are not in their comfort zone
Historically, this education is probably most similar to the British model of education at the time of Newman...1850-1880
Plans for growth
We are growing the school one grade each year. So, last year we began with just freshmen, this year we have freshmen and sophomores.

Advice for those who might wish to replicate the Chesterton Academy in their local community
  • Most fundamentally, I tell people to pray, to ask God if He is calling you to step out of the boat and do something beautiful for Him. 
  • Start talking to everybody they know. Gauge their interest and how much they might want to be involved.
  • Be humbly aware of their own failings and surround themselves with people that will be able to do a better job in certain areas than they can. There has to be a willingness to learn and try new things, but if someone is stronger at something else, they need to be asked to do it. 

Note: All copyrights for this blog post are assigned to Matthew Anderson, Headmaster of Chesterton Academy of St George.

Matthew Anderson
517 295 3735


  1. I hope they succeed! We need more options that are actually teaching what kids need!

  2. Every community needs a place like that. I wish them the best--ken

  3. Amen. God bless them and their endeavors.

  4. Bless these men. May their tribe increase.

  5. Chesterton Academy as in G.K. Chesterton? I like it.

    Is the Hulett fellow related to the Hulett ore unloader Hulett?

    1. Great questions! Yes, the Chesterton Academy is named after G.K. Chesterton. GKC was chosen as the patron because of his ability to think logically, but also lightheartedly. He could engage in fierce intellectual debates but still remain friends with his interlocutors - a skill very much necessary for today!

      As far as Mr. Hulett goes, there is no relation of which I am aware.


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