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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A few pictures from the "greenhouse"


August 18

August 28

In our oldest tray

Density of plants

Density after harvesting every third row.

Harvesting every third row means that each plant in the remaining double-rows has one direction it can expand into.

The lettuce was harvested with kitchen scissors to minimize the disturbance to the roots and to reduce the amount of dirt I brought into the kitchen.

The seedlings I transplanted late last week


Green Forest lettuce

Yesterday afternoon. Lettuce on the left. Mizuna on the right. So far the nod goes to Mizuna for growth-rate.


  1. There is something (a bird?) eating my lettuce starts! I'm going to try some spinach, and 1 more run indoors for a week+ to see if they survive predation.

  2. Looks like your plan is working well!

  3. Hope you don't lose your quarter in the foliage.


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