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Friday, June 16, 2023

The Oncology Nurse on the need-to-be-needed

One very minor tangent in the conversation I had with the Oncology Nurse the other day involved the fate of young fathers (late-20s to mid-30s) after their spouse died.

It was her experience that most of those men were remarried within six months.

Her take was that there are many (most?) women who have a need to be, well, needed.

Consider how many women are enablers. They find some bum and try to redeem him. It is not that they are sick. It is that they have a need...like hunger or thirst...to be needed. They twist their thinking to "find" somebody who "needs" them. That is not healthy.

Any normal, healthy, half-way socialized widower with a couple of young kids is like ringing a dinner bell to those women. In her view, it is not unhealthy or sinister. It is one of those circumstances where women who need-to-be-needed are very much needed.

There was even a movie about this: Sleepless in Seattle.


  1. Some men in that situation feel totally overwhelmed by the responsibility of being the sole parent. This leaves them very vulnerable to women wishing to take advantage of his situation. Kind of like being on the rebound, but much stronger feelings.

  2. How would this Oncology nurse know which widowers remarry and how long after they become widowed they remarry? Generally healthcare workers have little to no contact with patients outside the professional realm. Certainly none after death. I suspect she was just spouting steam. If not then she's guilty of constant and egregious HIPAA violations.

    1. Maybe. Maybe not.

      Oncology caregivers in radiation and chemo have several contact with the patient a week. A family member usually brings them to the appointment as they are usually not desirable for them to self-transport after the treatment.

      Bonding between staff and patients happen.

      Regarding HIPPA: No names were mentioned. Besides, after Covid, is HIPPA alive? People were fired based on vaccination status.

    2. During CVD, people kept telling me that HIPAA only applied to the government, or only applied to healthcare facilities... They refused to discuss e, little refused to discuss evidence that masks don't work.

  3. My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… for 3-4 hours/day 95 bucks every hour…..> https://www.pay.salary49.com


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