Where the stories start...

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Espresso es home

21 hours from taking possession of Espresso* to handing him off to his forever family.

Young married couple in their mid-twenties. He had three or four German Shepherds growing up but never had one starting as a puppy.

They have an older house on a surprisingly large amount of property they bought with a down-payment they saved up. They are frugal and hard-working. Their farm is about 15 miles away from Eaton Rapids.

They showed up with a new dog-crate, a new collar and a bag of doggie treats. Espresso took to both of them immediately.

Espresso is the big winner.

The power of networking! I knew somebody who attended a different church. After the service he mentioned that he knew about a puppy to this young couple...they asked "What kind of puppy?"

My friend sent me a text at 11:00 telling me that he had a lead and then another at 4:00 telling me it was a lock. I dropped off the pup at 6:00. Done-deal. No money changed hands but I did throw in the bag of puppy food since I no longer had a need for it.

*I expect them to change the name. Part of the fun of getting a dog is choosing the name.


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  2. We can only assume that since the connection was made at church that there was Devine Intervention. ---ken

  3. Does he work construction and she at a credit union?

    1. Ha! No, but he does work construction and she is in healthcare. I was part of linking them w Joe.

      They are a great young couple that gives us GenX folks hope.

      Both worked full time after high school, lived with their parents, and got all credentialed training and university education paid for by their employers.

      He picked up extra hours on our farm when his construction job was idled due to lockdown.

      Both were saving money before they even met for their long term plans. They both drive 10-15 year ild vehicles that they own with no loan.

      They were married in Spring of 2022 in our church and bought an old farmhouse on acreage nearby that they could afford with 20% down last summer.

      Neither had the glorified “college experience” of living on campus and going six figures in debt.

      When you read about how bad millennials have it, or how they will never be able to own a home (much less acreage), know that there are many who have sought out an alt route and they are thriving!

      She has obtained a bachelors degree and he is highly skilled in heavy construction / civil eng projects running heavy equipment and surveying elevations/slopes using state of the art tech.

      Neither borrowed money to obtain that training, but they DID work their asses off. Full time jobs AND getting educated off shift meant long/late hours and little ‘partying’ from 18 to mid 20s.

      I am proud of them and thankful to Joe for giving them their first ‘dependent’ which will grow in to a great guardian and protector of their young family and farm.

      Hope is not lost my friends…

    2. Thanks for piping up, Anon and sharing the couple's back-story.

      I always try to error on the side of not giving much detail on people who share with me. I believe it makes people more likely to share their stories when they have confidence that their identities will remain obscure.

    3. That is fantastic. Outstanding.
      Thank you for the background.

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