Where the stories start...

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Training run and Miscellaneous

I made a short, slow training run yesterday. It was at a pace that would result in a 45 minute 5k. My thinking is that I need to shorten up the recovery period between runs. We will see if I can knock out another run on Sunday.

More roses

I visited a couple of places where I remembered roses had been used for ground-cover. My thinking was that maybe some hips or a cutting or two might fall into my pocket.

Many of the landscaping roses have Rosa rugosa in their parentage. Example.

I struck out in both places. I will be keeping my eyes open for more selections to add to the team.

The current list of roses to weave into the hedge along the east edge of my pasture include:

  • Rosa palustris
  • Rosa setigera
  • Rosa canina (Maybe)
  • Rosa "Dortmund" (marginally hardy here)
  • Some seeds from hips purloined from a rosebush on the north side of a Dentists' office in Charlotte
  • I also have some Illini Hardy" blackberries I can add to the effort.


One of my neighbors works for a printer. He brings home the buckets that had ink in them. The buckets hold 30 pounds of ink. I wonder how many pages that much ink would print.

Incidentally, if you want to stretch your supply of ink, try converting the font to Garamond or Courier before hitting the "Print" button.

I was gifted with some of those buckets and I tidied up part of the basement and consolidated my collection of tiny, brass artifacts. That frees up some floor-space and gives me a better sense of how many little, sparky things I need to buy. It also showed me some holes in my inventory.

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