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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Malnutrition in America

General upward trend

Death-rates per 100,000 due to malnutrition by age

15-to-24 years of age:  0.0

25-to-34: 0.1/100k

35-to-44: 0.2/100k

45-to-54: 0.4/100k

55-to-64: 1.4/100k

65-to-74: 4.1/100k

75-to-84: 15.5/100k

85 and older: 84/100k

From the CDC Wonder query tool. Data from 2016-to-2020

By race:

American Indian or Alaskan Native: 1.5/100k

Asian or Pacific Islander: 1.1/100k

Black: 2.5/100k

White: 3.4/100k

By urbanization:

Large metro: 2.6/100k

Medium metro: 3.5/100k

Small metro: 4.2/100k

Rural: 3.6/100k


Dental issues probably has an impact the kinds of foods and the amounts older people can eat. There is not a lot of protein in bananas.

Transportation to markets becomes more challenging as we age, especially after passing the age where the State demands more proof of fitness-to-drive.

Large cities do NOT have a disproportionately large share of hungry people. It makes one rethink the whole "food desert" narrative.

African Americans do NOT have the highest percentage of malnourished people in terms of mortality rates.


  1. I know a lot of people with malnutrition. They do it to themselves when they shop for groceries.---ken

  2. Interesting... when my father was dying he was in and out of the hospital. The last trip in his official diagnosis, "reason for admission" was malnutrition, dehydration. He was wealthy (by most standard, had plenty of food, water, and 24x7 home health aides (in addition to loving children who were there for months as well)).
    He had esophageal cancer 20 years ago and a very small stomach as a result. At the end of his life, he was physically incapable of consuming 1500 cal per day. Condition was beyond feeding tube surgery. He went home and started hospice. He refused food/water after that. So his cause of death was malnutrition. Over a million dollars in the bank, malnutrition.
    You can say anything you want with statistics. The KungFlu should have taught us all that.

  3. Sigh the above truths are real.

    I'm morbidly interested in how the numbers will look like with World Economic Forum reductions in nasty ole agriculture and fertilizer over the next two years of "Right-Population" programs of Davos.

    Ask the Dutch farmers for details.

  4. Sorry incomplete thought, ask the Sir Lanka folks also as they jumped into the WEF "Plan" with both feet last year.

    Might ask Canada as Trudo's MAID program is "Expanding their Services" of Medically Assistance In Death program to (Proposed right now) "depressed teens" without parent notification.

    Dark ideas from our WEF "Friends".

  5. I will say that in the last year of my parents' life, their eating habits got much less nutritional. It was okay when I was out visiting or they were eating with my sister, but left on their own their diet tended to be things that were not wildly nutritional (cookies tended to be included in every meal). Not that they starved at all, but their health likely suffered as a result.

  6. Several years ago while trying to find help here on my ag op I discovered I could buy a thousand dollar car and advertise it for trade on a couple of weeks worth of labor far easier than . While feeding the laborers we found that our typical whole foods organic cookery was neglected and the sugary white flour/white sugar treats were eaten quickly . Mrs Butterworths was worth more than real pure maple syrup.

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  8. In my limited experience, a number of older people suffer from malnutrition simply because it's "too much trouble" to cook, eat and clean up, so they don't. Difficulties getting to or around the grocery store can also figure into this.


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