Where the stories start...

Monday, June 13, 2022

Beyond the edges of the map


It is easy to assume that maps are obsolete. It is easy to believe that the countryside that we can easily sense must extend out to infinity with little or no change.

The Woke Culture demands that we walk off the edge of the map. They tell us there is nothing to worry about, even though none of them ever went beyond the edge of the map...and returned.

Pack your own parachute.

Stay away from crowds.

Bonus image


  1. And they don't require ANY batteries, and work 24/7/365 :-)

  2. None of my noise maker optics requires batteries

  3. ERJ, I would argue paper maps are also the stick shift of directional guidance.

    1. Agreed - Dad kept a zippered container full of maps which used to be free at gas stations. Some were part of National Geographic magazine (I think - I was just a kid). Traveling to destinations with just what could be seen on map.

      People nowadays need GPS to find places. Turn there in half a mile - proceed for 50 miles. You have arrived at your destination.

      Iron sights are a great back-up and should be taught soon after learning to shoot with optics. The battery part - maybe not so much, but red dot sights appear to be faster to use when speed shooting.

  4. And compensating for magnetic declination is the anti-theft device of map reading.
    Texas Fred

    1. Assuming you are not in the Midwest where declination is near zero.

    2. I can drive a stick with trifocals. I cannot see the iron sights.


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