Where the stories start...

Friday, April 1, 2022

You never stop being a parent


Kubota had the misfortune to hyper-extend his ACL late last night. I got a call this morning and he asked me to take him to the hospital.

God willing, it will be a strain and two weeks of rest, compression, ice and elevation will repair it.

Mrs ERJ finished the taxes

Shortly after the Captain, Sprite's husband, passed away, Mrs ERJ suggested it would be good if we cross-trained in what we did.

The Captain's passing was unexpected and Sprite not only had to deal with the sudden hole in her life, she had to come up to speed on the family finances. It was a very, very stressful situation for her.

Consequently, Mrs ERJ did our taxes from start to finish this year. I must say she did an outstanding job. I stress over taxes. She breezed through them with no bad words or broken crockery.

In retrospect, our cash "burn rate" in 2021 was way too high to be sustainable. There were a couple of exceptional items. One item was the steel roof we had installed on our house. The other exceptional item is that we found ourselves on-the-hook for about $20k of Belladonna's student debt. She assured us that she would pay us back but it was our credit rating that was at-risk.

With Mrs ERJ's blessing, I liquidated enough savings to pay that debt and then made adjustments in the secondary-beneficiaries of our life-insurance to "short" Belladonna an appropriate amount to comprehend that she received a major portion of our estate early.

Mechanical issues

The estimate for the S-10 is $1200 to repair the assorted suspension damage. It is what it is. Where else will you find a small pick-up with 80k miles and no collision damage for $1200? It just isn't going to happen.

Pele has been driving it. I will tell him that in addition to the insurance he will have to pick up an additional $100 a month to pay down the maintenance. If he cannot (or does not want to) pay that then he can return the S-10 and I will sell it for what the market will bear and he can buy a vehicle that suits him better.

The Silverado's brake lights are in-op. The fuse is good and I need to do more trouble shooting.

I ordered the brake-pedal position switch. It is easy to replace and only $17. That is cheap for a lottery ticket. That MIGHT fix the problem. Meanwhile, I will continue trouble-shooting until the part shows up.

Unfortunately, I have to remove the cap over the bed to get at the tail-lamps. That has been a challenge. Three of the bolts had their heads twist off. Three I was able to back off enough to use bolt cutters. One of them broke the handle of the 18" bolt cutter and two of them remain stubbornly in place.

I need to find my angle grinder which might take the better part of tomorrow. I am my own worst enemy. The angle grinder is somewhere in the garage.


I believe his days are numbered. The major Main Stream Media outlets simultaneously "discovered" that Hunter Biden's laptop is legitimate evidence that Mr Biden is compromised beyond repair.

Since I believe that these events are choreographed so the simple folks sitting in the cheap-seats at the circus can follow the script, I deduce that Mr Biden has become a liability to the Deep State. The Russian adventures into Ukraine thrust him in front of cameras in-the-wild and he proved to be a loose-cannon.

It is only by the Grace of God that we are not in the middle of WWIII. Mr Biden's comments have been inflammatory and provocative. Not something you want to be hurling at Putin or Xi or Will Smith. Talking shit can have consequences.

It remains to be seen whether Mz Harris is a more reliable and malleable of a sock-puppet than Mr Biden.


  1. OUCH! I hope Kubota behaves himself and doesn't do anything to aggravate the ACL tear. He will probably start getting antsy from inactivity as soon as the pain begins to ease up.

    The brake pedal switch was the fist thing that came to mind when you said the bulbs & fuse were good, so hopefully that will fix the problem. The broken bolt cutter won't be cheap if you get a decent one. Be sure to put anti-seize on the bolts when you reinstall.

    1. If you put anti-seize on the threads, don*'t forget the lockwashers or similar. Please don'*t ask why I think of that.

  2. Visited an inner city church in the capital a few years back . The woman pastors husband was off to Nigeria evangelizing the heathen . She had a problem with her van and I offered to fix it for for free which I did the following Monday . Lo and behold the next weekend the Lord had spoken to several of the unwed ladies in the church that I would also repair their vehicles for free . The Lord works in amazing ways . Heh.

  3. Pedo Joe will remain the designated scapegoat until such time as keeping him in that position ceases to be advantageous to the American Communist Party Nee demonrats. When that will be is a matter of speculation but I suspect they can still get some mileage out of him.

  4. Horizontal Harris is Gropey Joe's insurance policy. While Gropey Joe is dealing with dementia, HH has no excuse. She is dumb as a bag of hammers. What in the world was deep state thinking to install two such morons. #stolen election

    1. I think they've painted themselves into a corner here, I'm concerned about what they'll do to keep power when these two fail...

  5. Jesse watters recent video springs to mind regarding leftist perceptions of reality.

    Remembering that the leadership of the left shares these misconceptions and are evil and do not care about their fellow countrymen, it is scary to me how we van be pulled into yet another horrible war.

  6. GM brake light switches had a high failure rate. If the rear turn signals/4 ways illuminate the rear bulbs your gamble should pay off.Thanks for your blog, really enjoy it. Allan

  7. Biden can't be replaced until "Word Salad Annie" is taken out.
    The media hasn't just "discovered" journalism and decided to do their jobs. They are providing cover for Joe by blaming the moron offspring for EVERYTHING.
    As far as WWIII, nah, I think cooler heads will prevail. If Putin does give the order, I would like to think at least one person in his inner circle will put one in his ear. I am much more concerned what will happen when the ChiComs take Taiwan.

  8. Matthew: while I agree with your wishful thinking, such hopes are no kind of plan.

  9. i think you're off about brandon. tptb are going after hunter to get joe to do what they want. so far slojo has been resisting escalation in ukraine. tptb want him to push it to the max to bring on the nukes. their end game is a couple hundred million dead and both countries in smoking ruins. tptb got bored making money, now the game is for blood.


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