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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Why Democrats love Green Energy

 The men who pay the fiddler call the tunes

Nine of the ten richest men in Green Energy are from Communist China

Biden recently reinstated rules that will force US Automakers to produce vehicles that average an astounding 46 miles-per-gallon of gas. That mandate take effect in four years.

The only conceivable way for the automakers to meet the requirement is via a very high mix of electric cars and some kind of green-energy credits.

Combine that action with Mr Biden's absolute gutting of the domestic petrochemical industry and plunging the US Economy into the septic tank and you might wonder why.

(Stage Whisper) "It is because the billionaires who will benefit paid 'the Big Guy' 10% to destroy your lives."


  1. Winner winner chicken dinner!

  2. The average age of cars in the US has been increasing in recent years.
    I'm surprised the US government hasn't tried to put limits on older cars: some kind of inspection, use limit, etc that would force people to upgrade.

    1. Vermont has been doing that for years. The State Safety inspection has become more draconian, with such features as failure due to 1/2-inch wide rust holes in wheel wells, or net being able to get the inspection if the "Check Engine" light is on, even if for a non-safety related issue, including a bad sensor (which may cost several hundred $ to replace.) The old "Beater with a Heater" is being literally driven off the roads.

  3. How much will the American people tolerate ? Mandating transportation out of reach of the average worker .Transgendering our kids .Stealing elections on an industrial scale . Normalizing pedo . Soaring inflation . Eat the bugs dammit ! Would cwII surprise anyone ? It is if tptb are seeing just how far down the rabbit hole they can push us . Bout time for another Skinny Cow like episode ERJ .

  4. Most parts of TN do not have vehicle inspections. I have seen things rolling down the road that shouldn't be, but its not illegal here.

  5. Firstly. The vast majority of leftists simply DO NOT DO science well, if at all. Therefore they operate as if passing a law makes something possible. No matter how impossible it might be. Secondly there is a plan. That plan ultimately ends with NONE of us peons owning ANY form of private transportation. By setting impossible standards they are whittling away at the available number of vehicles. Eventually that number drops to zero. They want ALL of us totally dependent on THEM for travel. Kind of hard to foment a revolution if you have to WALK all the way to Mordor On The Potomac.

    1. Therefore they operate as if passing a law makes something possible.
      Chicken comes from the store.

      Kind of hard to foment a revolution if you have to WALK all the way to Mordor On The Potomac.
      Yes, it is hard, but it's been done before.


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