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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Playing with the new blogging camera


Bees buzzing around an Apricot tree
The lens cover on my Samsung S5 shattered and the replacement lens cover produces blurrier photos than the original equipment.

I purchased a Nikon Coolpix L29 for taking serious photos.

Zooming in on the original photo, I can make out the wings on the bees.

The same apricot tree with a White Pine behind it for contrast. The left side of the tree is the seedling rootstock and the right side is a named cultivar (whose name I forgot)

Bees really love apricot blossoms. They must be a feast.

I think these are Mason Bees. We have them buzzing around the wood-piles. They are either hatching out of their pupae or are packing in groceries and laying eggs. Mason Bees, unlike humans who are Masons, are solitary creatures and don't form hives.

They also tend to be earlier than honeybees.

Seedling trays

A tray of Happy-Rich broccoli and Sweet Aperitif tomatoes. A tray of Principe Borghese tomatoes and Sparx lettuce. A tray of Stupice tomatoes. I want to take another photo in a week to see how much they have grown.


  1. The question is, do the Carpenter and Mason bees work together or are they different unions??? ;-)

    1. Wish we had Mason bees around here...they could underpin my cabin. ;-)


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