Where the stories start...

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Next Sunday is Easter

---Republished by popular demand---

I got a frantic call from Deacon Duncan up at the church on the Saturday before Easter.

Deacon was responsible for running the Easter Egg hunt on Sunday morning.

The snow had finally melted and he got out to scout about the grounds.  Much to his horror, neighbor dogs ---BIG dogs--- had been using the church grounds for their own personal bathroom all winter long.

Deacon is a bit long-in-the-tooth for raking and bending over and picking up what must have been a thousand doggie calling cards.

I am usually the first person Deacon Duncan calls when he has a project like this.  I think he calls me because his conscience is at ease knowing that I am spry and am gifted at finding the easiest way to do any particular job.

Fortunately, I had to pass a Walmart on the way to church.


I was able to find non-toxic, Inverted Marking Paint in several fluorescent colors!

By the time I finished there wasn't single doggie poop that was visible!


  1. You understand this is why we never get invited to anything twice, right?

    1. I fail to see that as a problem most of the time.

  2. Now crack THAT over the Missus' head and see if there is a reaction ...


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