Where the stories start...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Gardening chores are in full swing

The first flight of Super Sugar Snap Peas are in the ground. In years past I would make small, trial plantings of other varieties of snap peas and Mrs ERJ finally put her foot down. The taller vines do make it easy to pick the pods and I have lots of feed-lot panels to grow them on. The pods are large and taste good.

The first onion sets also went into the ground.

I found the tag from Mrs ERJ's cherry tomato from last year. It was Sweet Baby Girl and Mrs ERJ informed me that it meets her requirements.

Scion wood was cut for Illinois Everbearing Mulberry and Chojuro pear. I sent out emails to three different Community Gardens. Only one responded. I did a quick scout-around and she has pear and mulberry seedlings growing on the fence-line as "weed trees". I am going to do something about that. It is a pity that the other coordinators were too busy to respond.

I bumped into the electric fence while cutting the mulberry scion wood. That is bad. I did not get jolted. It was more of a tingle. That is also bad but in a different way. I took a tour of the fence and found a short and took care of it.

I coated the wooden tool handles of my collection of tools with boiled linseed oil. "Boiled" linseed oil has catalysts added to speed polymerization when exposed to oxygen but is on the pricey side. Safflower and sunflower oil are also considered "drying" oils and one might be able to stretch one's $30/gallon BLO with house-brand $12 a gallon sunflower or safflower oil.

I got the quince cuttings "stuck". I don't know if they will root or not. It isn't like I have much money sunk into them.

A big Shout-Out to Mr B. The rooster shed one of his artificial toenails about two weeks after it was glued on. Sprite found out when it nailed her through her jeans. Rather than another (too) temporary solution I removed his spurs with my hand pruners. That was the solution Mr B suggested.

News and commentary

Let me call your attention to two phrases:

"shooter's gun jammed"


"Extended magazines"

You can look at this two different ways. One way is that unusual magazines might not have the reliability of more conventional ones.

The other way of looking at this is that California and other nanny states should require extra-super-high capacity magazines to keep their citizens safe.

It used to be said that all publicity is good, just make sure you spell the name right.

Let me point out that Oberlin LOST the court case and now refuse to pay the settlement after the court ruled in the bakery's favor.

What is this doing to the "Oberlin" brand? Why would anybody want to hire an Oberlin grad when they are very likely incorrigible*, vindictive and self-righteous.

For that matter, Oberlin's behavior is polluting the brand of every small, liberal, artsy college.

Furthermore, why isn't the C-suite of Oberlin being hauled into court on Contempt-of-Court charges? Their continued behaviors appears to mock the authority of the Court.


  1. Incapable of being corrected or reformed.
  2. Firmly rooted; ineradicable.
  3. Difficult or impossible to control or manage.


  1. That bakery owner ought to get the local sheriff to hit the campus with enough force to take property off the campus based on that settlement.

  2. ...recovered a gun and multiple high capacity rounds...

    Dangit! None of our local stores have any of the high capacity rounds.

  3. I read an interesting study by a Chicago suburb a couple years ago; an officer there examined every gun they had taken off criminals over the last 5 years.
    Some major findings (from memory)
    - about 20% of the guns could not fire at all - damage, dirt, wrong ammo, no ammo
    - almost 50% could only fire 1 round, either because of damage or because the shooter only had 1 round.

    I forget the details about the rest of the study, but the upshot is that many crime guns are so dirty they can't fire at all or will jam after only a couple rounds. they are not well maintained weapons operated by knowledgeable, trained shooters!
    I've read other stories of shooters guns jamming during mass shootings; I don't know if it is from stress, lack of training, or poor equipment.

  4. Nylon beat me to the punch. I've read about a mechanic's lien, and I'm sure there is a sheriff's sale. I remember reading about someone doing that to a BOA or Wells Fargo branch office in Florida.

    Just have the sheriff padlock the offices and announce the sale of all property to meet the debt. Easy.

  5. Oberlin was founded by two Christian ministers and very soon after that founding it was supported by that great revivalist Charles Finney . There were many great revivals and moves of the Holy Spirit in the early days and the college grew rapidly . How far have we fallen ? I attended the Northern Ohio Charismatic Conference there in the early 80's and even then there were students protesting at the entrance . They changed the name of the yearly meeting to the Northern Ohio Christian Conference hoping it would mellow out the little commies but it didn't help . They were still standing out front in their Che tee shirts spitting on folk . I had a difficult time holding back my inner Irishman heh .

  6. Yep, sell the buildings off for the amount of the judgement. Screw 'em!!!

  7. I have been trying to find Quince trees/seedlings/starts for a while. Any advice where to purchase?

    Thank you

    1. Call Cliff England. His website is here: http://nuttrees.net/

      He is in eastern Kentucky and should have many selections that will thrive in WV.

      It may be late for him to take cuttings but, then again, he may have some rooted suckers he can pop out of the ground or some shoots that haven't pushed all of their buds that he can ship as cuttings.

      I cannot make any promises but Cliff has been AWESOME every time I have done business with him. I think he will bend over backwards to help you out.

      And if he cannot help you this year, there is next year.

    2. Thank you Sir, much appreciated!

  8. Thanks for clarity about boiled linseed oil ERJ. I have often read of it, but did not understand the particulars. Given that I do not put a huge strain on my tools at the moment it is not a big priority, but one to bear in mind.

  9. Oberlin's reputation will not be harmed in the least by this judgement. The self-righteous Liberals who are quite proud of overpaying for a sub-standard education, will only shrug and proclaim that the justice system failed once again. This will only embolden them to redouble their efforts to fundamentally change America into their learned utopian vision.


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