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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Is that the best you have got?


CDC data on percent of population that has had at least two doses of the vaccine Binned by age-group.
The idea of cutting the un-vaxxed off from medical care seems to be gaining momentum. The pro-vax throw this out like it is their kill-shot.

It is a "kill-shot" but not the way they think it is.

Except for a few very specific sub-populations (HIV positive, Cancer patients, complicated pregnancies) the per-person-per-year resources "pulled" by people in the 5-to-55 age group is miniscule compared to the group that is over age 55.

Telling 1/3 of the population that is pulling almost no resources to leave the pool is financial suicide as the remainder of the pool must pick up the costs.

Maybe 1/3 of the net-contributors leaving does not seem like much but what happens as a third, and fourth and ad infinatumth booster is added? So far the net-contributors have been good-natured sports playing along. What happens when half or three-quarters of the dupes decide the game is rigged against them?

Go ahead. Threaten them. See how they respond. They will pick up their basketball and walk away.

Proving once again that vindictive people get their jollies by punishing people and don't pause to think things through. Proving the old adage "Time wounds all heels" to be true once again.


  1. Today I had 4 middle aged people come see me and tell me they were getting canned because they refused the Jab. As of an hour ago I found jobs that paid MORE for 3 of them. There are lots of jobs out there that employers are desperate to fill with good people. Tell your jab demanding employer to FO. Besides, this whole thing is going to come undone soon anyway. ---ken

  2. I think the medical system would rebel - losing that many patients, especially "easy" paying patients would make the system go bankrupt.
    I read recently that the airlines are pushing hard to drop mask requirements on airplanes and oppose vaccine requirements - the 15% of flyers who are unvaccinated are who is keeping the airlines afloat.

  3. That graph looks criminal to me - one data point I saw showed 1 in 70 young people who took the jab suffered heart problems.


  4. ANd it shows that the people that say that have no understanding of anything.,,,LIke economics of insurance among other things.

    Besides, few of them actually have done any thing besides parrot the current party line meme.

  5. I wonder what a hungry attorney with an understanding of the Americans With Disabilities Act, would say about "308 Caplan's" initiative?

  6. I'm old and forget the characteristics of the many blogs I read, so not sure how this will be received here. (((They))) want the useless eaters eliminated. (((They))) only want/need 500 mil. of obedient, useful service providers for their enjoyment, support. That probably moved me up a notch on (((There))) hit list. I'm OK with that, I'm in lots of good company.

  7. Now do a division by sex - More women than men have accepted the clot-shot (by far).

    So now, not only are you removing the most productive ages from the pool, but the most productive section of all ages. Yeh, that wont work out as well as they think.

    (Women use upwards of 80% of all health-care provision and >87% of primary health-care yet fund <35%)


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