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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

You broke it, you bought it


Once again I am struck by the similarities between various results-oriented organizations.

In a factory, production workers produce, maintenance workers maintain equipment, management manages, security provides security and so on.

In the hospital the moving parts mesh. Nurses have one set of duties. Physicians have others. Aides, imaging, dieticians....all have their own activities.

Events move rapidly and high energy collisions are avoided by having each species occupy their own racetrack. Brain surgeons don't tell aides how to move a patient to install a bedpan. Aides don't advise brain surgeons on what kinds of saws and clamps to use.

The Marxist insurgents

One of the key draws of the Marxists is that they tell their followers that every voice will be heard and given equal consideration.

Grown-ups know that is total poppy-cock. The leaders of the Marxists have no intention of letting the useful tools have a say in anything.

But the mouth-breathing followers are caught up in the cognitive distortions of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The less they know about something the more certain they are that they know everything about the topic. 22 year-old Muffy from a snow-white suburb is certain she knows far more about policing (for instance) than the upper echelons of a big-city department with a cumulative 700 years of street-policing experience.

You broke it, you bought it

Has anybody else been tempted to just GIVE Seattle and Portland and San Francisco and Chicago to the Marxists? Let them have Boeing and Microsoft and Google and O'Hare. Every Marxist who opts to stay in their Workers Paradise must submit to having an ID number tattooed in three or four places (including a very tender place where it will be painful to remove. Additionally, let's insert a few RFID tags in them just to be sure they receive all of their just benefits.

Show us what you have, Bunky. 

Just saying. Maybe they can show us something new.


  1. Not a bad idea, but the business I work for has 40 units in Chicago and I would rather not (officially) had it over to the Marxists.

  2. Why would we GIVE Portland, Seattle etc to the commie left? They already HAVE China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea etc. But that isn't enough. They want it ALL...and won't take no for an answer. Giving them a foothold....more than they already have....only emboldens them.

    1. Well, there is that.

      My point is that Marxism is like a company that is growing so rapidly that the fact that they are losing money on every item they sell is obscured.

      They have a greedy banker injecting funds and fueling the growth. That masks the fact that the basic business model is broken.

      "Yup, we are losing money on every unit we sell but we are going to overcome that by increasing our volume."

      A basic tenant of parenting is to make the kid clean up his own messes. Only then will he realize that it is easier to be neat to start with.

  3. I'm on board with gifting the Lefties several of the shittier cities - Portland, LA, NYC, Chicago, etc. but as for Boeing, Microshaft, etc. a firm "no" - those are, or could be with appropriate changes in management and purpose, national assets.

    But, we'd need impenetrable walls around the gifted cities with suitable lethal provisions for escapees because it's been well proven that Leftism metastasizes, and .30 caliber vaccines at the point of infection are considerably more effective preventives than ballot boxes administered years temporally after the disease has been contracted and progressed.

  4. I say we give Portland to the Hell's Angels. Then, if they do a good job there, offer them Seattle


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