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Monday, July 26, 2021

Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory

Those guys are starting to piss me off.

A central belief of CRT is that ALL disparities between the races are solely due to insidious, systemic, institutionalized racism.

A superficial look at the idea shows how stupid it is but it sells to the mouth-breathers because it absolves them of having to change to better their lot in life.

Follow the money

Money isn't everything but it is important. It is the most commonly recognized claim on current and future resources. The animal with the most money gets the first, and biggest claim on the feed-trough of life.

While money isn't EVERYTHING...it is how most people keep score and might be the root of 90% of all grievances.

Two common ways of looking at money are Income and Wealth.

Income is the rate at which money comes your way. It is $/time. It can be dollars-per-hour or dollars-per-year. If "Money" were a bathtub, "Income" is how fast the water comes out of the spigot.

Wealth is the accumulation of money. If you have $10/hour income in excess of your needs and you work 2000 hours a year, then you have the potential to increase your wealth by $20,000. If "Money" were a bathtub, "Wealth" is how much water is currently in the bathtub.

Wealth also increases with investments. If you have $20,000 of wealth and it earns 5% then you have $21,000 at the end of the year...with the potential for it to keep growing every year. At 7% return, the base sum will double every decade.

Older people have greater potential to have wealth than younger people. We have more time to accumulate "excess income" and more time for the compounding effect to work.

Cherry-picking statistics

Proponents of CRT love to cherry-pick statistics to "prove" the existence of institutional racism.

One of CRT's favorite statistics is "The Wealth Gap". They point to the fact that African-Americans with 4-Year college degrees have less wealth than White people with 4-year college degrees.

It is a fact that White college graduates are OLDER, on average, than Black college graduates. In 1980 10% of 25-to-35 year old Blacks had four years of college. That had grown to 20% by 2017. That is, it had DOUBLED. The growth rate for Whites was from 25% to 40% which is a 60% increase.

A second factor is the population pyramid for Whites shows a baby-bust after the baby-boom. Not only is the growth in college graduates lower for Whites but the basis that percentage is applied to is smaller. Those wealthy cohorts that graduated between 1970 and 1985 was huge for Whites.

A third factor is that wealth is usually HOUSEHOLD wealth. A White household is far more likely than a Black household to be TWO adults. For example, 70% of White children are born to married parents while 35% of Black children are.

Two adult households have twice as much income potential and tend to accumulate far more wealth than single-adult headed households.

Simple math and demographics, not "racism" explains the differences in wealth.

If you want to be wealthy, get skill or a degree that commands good wages. Get married and stay married. Don't make babies until you have your economic house in order. Don't spend every penny you earn. Use credit sparingly and wisely. Live a long time.


  1. Don't piss your money away on short term, but useless items...Latest sneakers and other fads.
    Don't buy the Lexus when the Toyota will do just as well. Think long term rather than short term.
    That is another basic difference of the "wealth disparity". How you live your life and use your money makes a HUGE difference.

  2. There is a very good discussion on CRT in this Glen Loury conversation with Richard Epstein:


    It’s a good 27 minutes, not just about CRT but about the political climate now as well. Epstein a real Liberal, capital ‘L’, in the classical sense, which puts him at odds with the modern definition.

    But he nails CRT: The tactic is to introduce racism as 'systemic' because this way, there is NO target - and hence, there can be no natural defender. Only one side of the story will ever be heard.

  3. There you go with facts again... stop that! :-)

  4. THE 'CRT' program seems to be a way of dividing black from white to make it easier to start a race war. The blacks would be crushed in a race war but they choose to think otherwise. They better leave well enough alone.

  5. IQ and the bell curve, r/K genetic selection and the mother's nutritional intake while the baby is in utero are all part of the puzzle


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