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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Riddle me this

Most of the major automotive manufacturers breathlessly announced that they will have phased out "carbon based fuel" powered vehicles and completely switched over to electric/renewable vehicles by 2040.

If a very large percent of the vehicles carry workers to their jobs and those vehicles spend most of the daylight hours in the employer's parking lots, how will the battery get recharged?

Will employers be forced to install charging stations at each parking place or will every vehicle owner be required to purchase two batteries, one to drive the vehicle and one to recharge during the day?

Or perhaps people will be forced to live within five miles of their place of employment. Or maybe the only viable alternative is mass transit with buses tapping into overhead wires.

"Ah-ha!" you say. "People will work at night!"

Fine. Their vehicle recharges all of the daylight hours and people become nocturnal. That will be a natural fit for a few people. Is everything going to be in Braille or will their work places have lighting? If it has lighting, where will THAT electricity come from?

Or is it just a shell-game where opinion-makers keep shuffling the cups to create the illusion that something disappeared? That huge wind-turbine: What is the embedded energy and what is the pay-back period before the turbine is a net producer of electricity? Ten years? Fifteen years? Remember that there is a YUGE block of concrete hidden from sight keeping the tower upright and concrete is made by heating limestone and clay in a kiln with FOSSIL FUELS. 

All that carbon added to the atmosphere up-front in the hope that it stays operational until the break-even point.


  1. The million mile battery that charges in 8 minutes?
    I mean, they talk like that is a thing.
    How many inches/feet in diameter would that charging cable be?

  2. Nuclear-the only true green solution. Build hundreds of nuclear power plants. Do a 1,000 Megawatt power plant per 250,000 people. Maybe 1,200 power plants? Electricity a nickel a kilowatt hour. Problem solved. Next?

  3. When you say nuclear you still need fuel and uranium isn’t all that plentiful. The talk about fusion but no one has even made a prototype that runs more than a few seconds before it over heats. Not just energy for cars. If they tried to fully implement the green new deal many people would starve and freeze in the dark in the north and starve and die of heat exhaustion in the south. That would be fine for the elitist eugennicists who want the worlds population more than halved. Us deplorable could hunker down in our dark cubicles and eat our ration do solynt green until we die. I guess I’m a bit sarcastic!!

    1. Easy peasy, Thorium reactors. Cheap non hazardous energy. Thorium can do anything except get out of the lab.

  4. My prediction ? The internal combustion engine powered by "fossil" fuels will continue to power the world for at least 100 more years. We will not run out of oil. But do I really care ? Not at long as free people are able to afford and have access to travel in any manner they choose. The details are unimportant. Besides, I will not be here in 2040 so I REALLY do not care.

  5. Contrary idea. People go to work to CHARGE their cars. It makes more sense to concentrate industrial quantities of electrical equipment in industrial areas as opposed to residential areas. Now, you could use solar either vehicle based or building based. Bad news for workers.....

    The sun didn't come out so you have to stay......

  6. Anyone with a modicum of cognitive ability knows fossil fuels are not going away, I predict that, barring huge advancements in battery technology, few nuc plants will get build and a lot more propane/methane powered vehicles in the future.

  7. Uranium isn't that plentiful, but thorium is much more available. Plutonium/thorium nuclear power plants breed their fuel from thorium and get a lot more power from their load of radioactives.


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