Where the stories start...

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Presented without comment

 Three minute video


  1. May God bless you, Joe. Merry Christmas.

  2. Kinda dusty in here, well played.

  3. I, also thank you. Must be a dust storm here as well.

  4. Best three minutes I have spent in quite a while!

  5. Thanks! Started my day off on the right foot!

  6. Ahem, haven't had any problems with my itchy-watery eyes and allergies in a month or so. I watch your video and suddenly im having " problems".

  7. Wonderful, wonderful story.
    Everybody needs a goal, no matter how old you are!

  8. Way to ruin a perfectly good bad mood I was in...

  9. Thank you! I was out skiing with my Grandchildren yesterday and today. I can't keep up (and they are just 9 & 7), and I'm sore as hell, but riding the lift is such a joy. Melting snow in my eyes quite frequently.

  10. Joe,
    Wow! I think that says just about all that needs to be said. Except thank you, and Merry Christmas.


  11. Lotta dust going around here, beautiful.

  12. Those who wait upon the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and walk and not faint.

    1. Isaiah 40:31. My favorite Bible verse, because it was the first verse I found on my own, without having it shown to me, by a pastor or a teacher. And it describes the Christian life. When you are a new Christian, you are like a young person,flying and excited with every single new thing you learn about God and the faith. Then as you begin to mature, you start to become grounded, steady and strong,and less apt to stumble, while continuing to move forward,running that race, and leading others to follow you on the right path to Jesus. Later, as you start to grow old,you don't necessarily have the same ability to run,but you still have the same fire in your bones, and the same desire to serve the Lord, and you don't grow weary in service to Him, and so you continue moving forward, always ready with an answer as to the Gospel, or good news, of the Lord Jesus Christ.
      That was one of the first lessons that I taught in an adult Bible study that I held in some friends home,which eventually grew to around 15 people, mostly all related. I was around 23 years old or so, and attended Bible college for a year, the next fall. I became grounded in the Word,and fell totally in love with both the Bible,and also with the KJV of it. I had read it as a young person, mostly due to being a voracious reader, but I love the majesty and poetry of the language of the King James Version,and how it just seems to ring of the Shekinah Glory of the God of the Universe. May you all have a safe, prosperous, and glorious next year. And may God be ever present in your hearts and minds, as we all continue to attempt to serve him.



  13. Absolutely wonderful! An inspiration to all!


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