Where the stories start...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Secondary and tertiary effects

Suppose you were a fly-on-the-wall and you overheard a cop say “I don’t worry about that.  As long as I have a gun and a badge my family won’t go hungry.”

Or perhaps a politician said "As long as I have regulatory authority, then businesses will GIVE me everything I need during times of crisis."

Let's think about the cop's statement. I am sure you can work out what might happen with the politician  or regulator.

The cop flashes his badge. Gets into a house. Pulls his gun. Loads up a box full of food and can feed his family for three days.

The family tells thirty other people.

Three days later, the uniformed cop flashes his badge. Gets into the house. Pulls his gun. Loads up a box of food and can feed his family for three more days.

That family tells thirty other people each one of whom tells another thirty people.

Three days later, the uniformed cop flashes his badge and (pick one)
  • Does not get into the house
  • Is shot on the door-step
  • Calls five of his buddies who use a battering ram to break open the door 
If you picked option three, then it becomes open season on people wearing police uniforms. Obviously, they cannot be "real" cops because that is not how cops behave.

“I don’t worry about that.  As long as I have a gun and a badge my family won’t go hungry.” might be true for about a week...two at the outside.


  1. It used to be, I don't know about now, that neighborhood goons went business to business and collected "protection money". Comments such as "it would sure be a shame if something were to happen to …" have worked in the cities and to a lesser degree small towns throughout our nation's history. If the mafia/local goons can get away with it why not cops? I've heard stories first hand about that happening in restaurants and party stores except that it was not a threat of violence but a threat not to protect. ---ken

  2. Had I been the first homeowner 30 other people would never have heard about it.
    His actions would have invalidated his authority and his right to live.

    1. The cop's plan would have worked great until it didn't.

      And by then, every person with a uniform and a badge would be a target.

      That is why it behooves older, experienced cops to tell the young-bloods to put a lid on their testosterone and buy a month's worth of mac-n'-cheese.

  3. Break the law and you no longer get to expect the protection of the law.

    I'm getting old and I never expected to live this long. Once I take action that would make me an outlaw, I might as well become a really great outlaw.

    The first one costs, every one after that is free. Might as well do LOTS........


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