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Saturday, May 9, 2020

First Hummingbird today

I saw our first humming bird today.  113 GGD, b-50. According to MSU's Integrated Pest Management website, we are 14 days behind normal for heat units.

The very earliest apples are blooming: Trailman, M. x robusta.

Potomac  and Mustafabey (aka 'Klementinka', Zaharoasa de Vara', 'Arganche'
) European pears the only European pears blooming.

I also had a sapsucker and an oriole show up at the hummingbird feeder. I think the oriole was following the sapsucker.

We also had a Rose-breasted Grosbeak swing by and check out the sunflower seed feeder.

So it was a big morning for showy birds.


  1. I have never seen the MSU site before. Thanks for posting it.---ken

  2. I've only seen one hummingbird down here so far... sigh


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