Where the stories start...

Saturday, December 7, 2019

An ill-conceived and executed product

United States bills are very close to 6" long and 2" wide and are useful for estimating sizes.

An actual toilet seat seen in a house where real people live. The opening in the seat measures 7.5" in length and slightly less in width.

Aesthetically, the seat is well proportioned to the petite room.

As a normal sized male who needed to execute Play #2, it was sadly lacking in all dimensions, especially length.

I grumbled to Mrs ERJ that I was tempted to waste a chapstick to draw a crime-scene profile of some junk on the front of the seat to illustrate the impossibility of making everything fit. She told me to "shush". I am sure she understood that I would not draw normal sized junk. Nope, I pictured King Kong sized junk.

I cannot believe that such a male-unfriendly piece of hardware is manufactured and sold in the United States. It is the equivalent of installing only wall-mounted urinals in a lady's room. This will get to be more of an issue as all restrooms go uni-sex and fixtures are priced solely on lowest cost.


  1. Well Mr King Kong sized junk..."they" really want you to sit.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Toilet seat stolen from munchkinland.

  4. King of the Hill, season 4 episode 22. "Flush With Power"

  5. Welcome to the toilets in Marriott hotels... and they are LOW too!

  6. Why I put elongated toilets in my house.

  7. I once told a girlfriend that round bowls were for spinsters. I replaced it with a oval.

  8. After further ruminations, with regard to the ruling class intention of bringing us to third world status, perhaps if one placed his feet on the seat and SQUATTED like they do in the third world, everyone's need could be fully met.


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