Where the stories start...

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Evading responsibility with the practiced ease of a drunk, passed out in the gutter

My browser gives me "suggestions" for essays to read when I open a new window.

Have you ever seen a pretty girl and when she got a little bit closer noticed that something wasn't quite right? It is as if you were taking a hallucinogenic drug and her face and figure melted as she got closer and turned into a nightmare by the time she got to your table? Yes, it was one of those kinds of articles.

The girl starts out with how she was "too shattered" to write her brother's obituary.

As she continues to write, we learn that she was too self-absorbed to know her brother. She had to go to the internet to get basic facts about him, even she thought considered him to be the human she was closest to.

She explains their estrangement: "our relationship became too toxic for me to sustain."  "In 2010, after I disagreed with a statement he’d made, my dad smashed a chair to pieces in front of me, screaming while verbally berating me, and threw me out of the house...clear-cut cases of domestic violence".

Poor princess. Twenty-four years old and just now learning that your father has no obligation to provide you with housing after your most royal highness disrespected him. No worries. Just hate on all men because THEY are the toxic ones.

Having little to say about her brother she proceeds to spend most of the article talking about herself. She tells us about how she got a degree in humanities so she could heroically joust with "...social constructs, questioning and challenging the power structures around me..."

She explains how she is still irreparably scarred by the fact that she was not the Homecoming Queen in high school because she was a person of color...East Indian dontchyaknow. Apparently she was asleep at the switch when they stopped handing out participation awards and thought everybody got to be Homecoming Queen.

Race, and religion and good grades and national origins and wealth are all evil "social constructs". She laments being an outcast in her own neighborhood. Apparently, she forgot that she already told us that both she and her brother went to a private school where the headmaster who spoke with a British accent.

Hey lady, go to a different school than all your neighbors and they will have their social circles and you will have yours. Apparently your feelings weren't hurt so badly that you chose the local community college over that Ivy League school in New England.

She cannot see the contradiction.

Her brother made a mountain of money but he was a good person anyway because it did not mean anything to him. Somebody paid to send her to the Ivy League school so she could learn to write drivel. But money is evil.

She cannot see the contradiction.

She is angry because boys would not ask her out on Saturday night. The problem is always "the pain of a sensitive boy who succumbed to the impossible, unforgiving demands of an unhealthy relationship to masculinity" not "I am an angry shrew who evades personal responsibility with the practiced ease of the drunk, passed out in the gutter."

She cannot see the contradiction.

Normally, I would not waste my time writing about this self-absorbed snowflake but the last sentence of the article threw me:

Her first book, about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is out this November from Workman Publishing.
That sheds a bit of light on the Belletrix Lestrange phenomena. Lestrange's fangirls are mentally ill.


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