Where the stories start...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Note from the Management

Mrs ERJ and I will be heading to the Corpus Christi, Texas area for about a week. I don't announce when I will be out-of-the-house on public platforms because that is stupid.

The house will not be empty. Kubota is not going with us nor are the two German Shepherds.

The current plan is for me to not take my laptop. That means that the only blogging will be what is scheduled ahead of time. Both quantity and quality will drop since the scheduled story material will lose one editing cycle.

There will be holes in the posting. I have nothing for the weekend and there may be one weekday where the Skinny Cows story will not have a post.

Nor do I expect to monitor comments.

All that might change if the hotel has courtesy computers or if Mrs ERJ gives me the nod to take the laptop.

Thank-you for understanding.



  1. Have a good time. We will be here when you get back to read about the adventures and trophies Belladonna won.

  2. Enjoy! We'll be here when you get back!

  3. I'd wish you a good trip, but you've probably left.

  4. Have a safe and enjoyable trip Joe. You've picked a great time to travel, summer ain't here yet..


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