Where the stories start...

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Dear politician with three last names:

Dear politician with three last names:

I must confess to reading your cheerful letter with a flutter in my heart. The last stranger who addressed me as "Dear Friend" tried to sell me vinyl siding.

I noticed with great interest that you did not identify any party affiliation. It reminded me of the time I almost bought a 60 horse-power tractor. It was not a John Deere, International, Massey Ferguson, New Holland or Kubota. I know where to find dealers who stand behind those brands.

Nope, it was a Mahdrossadra that had been made in Kyrgyzstan. It had an owners manual but good luck finding somebody who could translate it.

But my problem with your inability to state what team you play for goes deeper than that. I don't care if you play basketball for Clarks Summit: How can I have confidence that you will stand up for ME when you strip off the jersey and slink into the crowd when your W-L record drops below 50%? Exactly! You proved that you have no more substance and staying power than a poof of thistle down.

I hope that you don't find my use of terms like "Nope" and "Yup" condescending. Nothing gets my suspenders tied in a knot faster than people who assume I am a bumpkin who doesn't understand complex formal English like "Yes" and "No".

I also noted with interest that you intend to nationalize the rail system. Can you please give me more details?

Best regards

Joe D. Muir

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